Hi Community,

I need to fetch data from third party database and display it on edit page, is it posible to connect to third party database on edit page using client code? or what is the best approach?

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Dear Fulgen,

Unfortunately, it is not possible to connect a third-party database to the system to display its data on the edit page. As a solution you can download all the necessary data from your  third-party database and import it via basic Import tool. Here is the article that will help you out:


One more solution - you can create your custom web service that would pull the data from a specific service into bpmonline automatically. Here is the article that might help you as well:


Best regards,


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I have few folders created on the Account section. I want to create a detail in a different section page. On that that detail I want to be able to insert the account records which are read from the AccountFolder. 

So ideally, I like to have a pop up which shows me all the folders on AccountFolder and when I select a folder, I want to be able to add all of the accounts on that folder to that detail. 

Thank you in advance

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Dear Kumar,

In this case you need to create a simple detail using detail wizard and use "Account folder" object. After that you need to go to the schema of the detail and find the method that is called when clicking on "+" button that adds new record standardly. You need to replace the methos that is called there (that creates a record) and put the method which generates a pop-up that displays account folders and after that you need to add a method that calls accounts that are present in the selected folder. Here is the link to technical documentation on development https://academy.bpmonline.com/documents/technic-sdkmob/7-12/bpmonline-d….

Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

How can I generate a pop-up window that display account folders? Is there a place where I can get the example method code I can take a look at? 

AccountFolder.SearchData is binary type field. Will you guide me on how to get the accounts that are present in the selected folder? 

Thank you


Dear Kumar,

Please take a look at openLookupPage function of the BaseSchemaViewModel schema. This method is triggered when clicking on the lookup and opens the module page. You can pass it the needed arguments so to open account folders. 

As for the folders, the filtration for folders are preset by user. The idea is to apply the same filters for each folder using ESQ functions. In other words, when clicking on particular folder an ESQ function is triggered to Account object with the filters, which are used for the folder.

Hope you will find it helpful.



Anastasia Botezat,

contactInputBoxHandler: function(returnCode, controlData) {

                if (Terrasoft.MessageBoxButtons.OK.returnCode === returnCode) {

                    var rocId = this.get("MasterRecordId");               

                    var esq = Ext.create("Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery",{

                        rootSchemaName: "AccountFolder",




                    var esqFilter = Terrasoft.createColumnFilterWithParameter(                       this.Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL,"Name",controlData.UsrAccountFolder.value.displayValue);



                         result.collection.each(function (item) {

                             var searchData = item.get("SearchData");                            

                             var esqAccounts =                     Ext.create("Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery",{

                                 rootSchemaName: "Account",













            The error is thrown when I add this filter. esqAccounts.filters.add("searchData",searchData);

the searchData is as follows

{"className":"Terrasoft.FilterGroup","items":{"1a34c133-7cb5-49e1-a235-2065b90d2e3f":{"className":"Terrasoft.CompareFilter","filterType":1,"comparisonType":3,"isEnabled":true,"trimDateTimeParameterToDate":false,"leftExpression":{"className":"Terrasoft.ColumnExpression","expressionType":0,"columnPath":"Name"},"isAggregative":false,"key":"1a34c133-7cb5-49e1-a235-2065b90d2e3f","dataValueType":1,"leftExpressionCaption":"Organization Name","rightExpression":{"className":"Terrasoft.ParameterExpression","expressionType":2,"parameter":{"className":"Terrasoft.Parameter","dataValueType":1,"value":"Arkansas Surgical Hospital"}}}},"logicalOperation":0,"isEnabled":true,"filterType":6,"rootSchemaName":"Account","key":"FolderFilters"}


Am I using this AccountFolder.SearchaData field as a filter on Account object incorrectly? I keep getting this error 

Uncaught TypeError: e.on is not a function


You are applying filter to the binary column, which would not work. Your task is, however, to recreate a filter to Account object same as the folder is working under. This means that for example if account folder "Show accounts from England" has a filter by country, you need to add such filter to the ESQ.



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Hello, when we go to merge duplicate contacts, often one has "true" for the "confirmed" column, and one has "false". This must be a standard preconfigured column, because we have not added it and we do not use it on the Contacts page. What is the confirmed column used for? How does it get updated from true to false or vice versa?

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Dear Mitch,

The confirmed column relates confirmed checkbox that can be displayed on a contact page through the section wizard. It was implemented to help users with the lead qualification process. In case you tried to delete a lead that is connected to an unconfirmed contact, the system used to delete a contact as well. 

The checkbox is always ticked automatically if you create a contact manually, however, if you import the contacts into the system from Excel table, they will not be confirmed. Basically, as for now, this is quite nonfunctional implementation that does not influence or affect merging your duplicate contacts and the work in the system in general.

Best regards,


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I try but I get errors every time, even with a basic class for testing.

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Dear Jordan,

In order to use your custom class in the business process please do the following:

- Firstly create your class using source code schema in the system configuration. The class is written using C# language, more about creating custom source code schema you can find in the article:


- Secondly, add your custom class to the Usings of business process and refer to it in the Script Task element of the process. 


Hope you will find it helpful.



Anastasia Botezat,

Thanks thats perfect!

Jordan Kincer,

I have a custom package and, in it, a schema with a custom class. What is the naming convention for declaring it in the 'Usings' list of a Business Process?

Jordan Kincer,

There is no difference from which package the class will be. Treat it as a usual using. Please see the example below for adding the Terrasoft.Configuration namespace and indicate the name of your class based on the screenshot,.




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I am a relatively new user to BPM and find that these community forums are difficult to navigate, as there appears to only be a search option for looking at historic posts.

There is a wealth of information in this forum and therefore a good structure, with categories (General, Dev/Scripting, Service Desk, Marketing etc.) and following a standard presentation UI for posts will make this information far more accessible.

If I am missing a link to view this in a standard forum display method, please let me know, as it is not obvious (if it is I am probably just being an idiot).



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Dear Mark, 

Hope you are doing well! 

Thank you for the suggestion, we've transferred this request to the team, responsible for the Community and this functionality may be added, there is no ETA for this yet, however. 

Best regards, 

Dennis Hudson

Having used an excellent community platform from a network vendor (google SolarWinds and Thwack as I cannot post a link), I would recommend looking at the platform they use, which I believe is by Jive Software.

This platform I know has been a major reason for the success of their software and recommend you review this or something like it, as I feel you need more than just a Forum platform. The ability for users to be able to share content such as code will only enhance user engagement.

Disclosure: I have no affiliation to Jive, but am a consultant for SolarWinds software.

Has there been any discussion within Creatio on improving the Forum platform. I do find it incredibly clunky, and with the expansion on capabilities and low code function, it seems even more beneficial for a community to be built around the platform. This forum platform is just not conducive to this. 


I strongly believe that any application that wishes to grow strongly and quickly needs a high quality community platform to help onboard that user base. It is the old adage, if you look through a restaurant window and see lots of tables taken, you go in. You see a few and you move on

Hello Mark,


Thank you for your feedback! We will forward it to the corresponding team for further review.


Best regards,

Yuliya Gritsenko

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After saving a new System User, their type is changed from 'Company Employee' to 'Virtual', and the Type, and Contact cannot be changed.




The User also cannot login with the username and password provided for that account.


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Dear Jordan

The Type field is usualy populated automatically according to the chosen user type. By default the user types are employee or portal user http://prntscr.com/m1pjj8 . It remains uneditable before you save the record. Once you save the record and reopen the user page, you will be able to edit the type. Apart from that, most likely the user cannot login since the record is not saved. 

If you saved the record and still face the same issue - please contact our support team by email support@bpmonline.com for further investigation in your particular environment.

Best regards,



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Is there a way to do this as a mass action for all users?

The only method I know to do this is log in as the user, access their profile, then turn it off there.

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Dear Jordan

Unfortunately, there are no basic tools in the application to turn off the call center integration for all users at once. You will have to disable it from each user profile separately. However, as a solution, you can go to the system settings, find one called 'Default messages exchange library' and choose some different telephony provider in the Default value field. Thus, the system will not send queries to your telephony provider and it will be turned off for all users.

We have already registered the task for our R&D department to develop the required functionality for the future versions of the application.

Hope the solution will help you out.

Best regards,


This seemed to work.

UPDATE SysMsgUserSettings SET ConnectionParams = '{"isWrapUpDisabled":false,"debugMode":false,"disableCallCentre":true,"isAutoLogin":true,"useWebitelCti":false,"useWebPhone":true,"useVideo":false}';

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Hi Community,

I want to call a process on the 
client side and when it ends, for example, update certain values ​​of the page. 
Is it possible using the callback? 
The callback works but the page with the caption of loading remains. I Have this example:

var someFunction = function (a) { 


                                    this.loadSchemaCaptionByName("UsrApproveBSRankedCompare", function(caption) {

                                                this._showSuccessfullyRunProcessPopup("The process has been completed");

                                            }, this);



                                this.executeProcess(args , someFunction)


executeProcess: function(sysProcessName, callback) {

                ProcessModuleUtilities.responseCallback = callback;





Thank you!


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Dear Uriel,

In order to complete your task you need to split it into two parts:

1. Launch the business process call from client side. Please see the following article and link for more details:



2. After the process executes, it needs to send the signal to the client side to proceed further with the logic. The example of such logic you can find in the following thread of our Community:





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Hi Guys.

I have created a new Section, but after saving a new record, the List is displayed instead of the new record. What could I have done wrong?

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Dear Gary,

This behavior of the system is normal and out-of-the-box so when creating a new record - the list of all records in the section will be opened instead of this record.

Unfortunately as for now there is no out-of-the-box tool that can regulate this behavior in the system, but we will create an idea for our R&D team so they could implement this new functionality in one of future versions of the application. Thank you for helping us to make our application better!

Best regards,


Hi Oscar. I am busy with my Certificate homework, and part of the question is that when a new record is created, firstly I run a process, the process adds a few details records, and then the details need to be refreshed. So surely there is a way of staying on the record. Can I not accomplish this in Javascript?


NVM, I think I know where I am going wrong....


You can refresh the entire page using this:


or refresh just a single detail using this:

this.updateDetail({detail: "DetailNameHere"});


Thanks Ryan, that is exactly what I landed up doing, I just miss understood the requirement indecision

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