
I would like to use telephone shortcuts within BPM to either integrate to our SIP based PBX or to allow the telephone text to use browser link method to integrate to the PC SIP client application.

Is it possible to just integrate BPM to a SIP based PBX, which for us, is the common 3CX platform?

In the user profile, I see configuration fields for SIP, but my testing has so far not been successful.

I am aware of the Webitel extension, but this does not work for us, as when a user is not logged in to BPM all calls to the user telephone extension get automatically routed to voicemail, which is not desired behaviour.

If this is not possible, can BPM be configured to not link to the internal telephony, but instead allow the telephone number fields to hotlink as a protocol shortcut link i.e. tel://0123445678? This therefore would allow me to configure the users browser to open the 3CX PC client application from the tel:// prefix protocol.

I am really desperate to get this working, so any help would be very much appreciated.


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I have successfully installed the Chrome Extension Click to Call by Thirdlane, which allows all telephone number links to populate the number in my 3CX PC client application.

You can create the functionality only by JS code. In order to do that you need to replace the "CtiPanelCTIBase" module (replacing client module) and override the method "onCallCustomer" in the subscription 

this.sandbox.subscribe("CallCustomer", this.onCallCustomer.bind(this));

Please feel free to put a break point in the "onCallCustomer" method (chrome dev console), click on any "phone" button in the system and debug the functionality. 


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If anyone is successfully using the SmartCloud Outlook Connector add-in, can you tell me if and what any security settings may be required from within bpm'online to facilitate a successful connection?  I have successfully installed the plug-in into Outlook and I'm able to open a message and launch the add-in, which brings me to a login screen for bpm'online.  I type my username, password and instance URL (have double, triple, quadruple tested it), but as soon as I hit the "Sign in to my BPM'Online account", it returns a "NotAuthorized" error.

I suspect that perhaps I need to add "Access to object from external sources" permissions -- but if so, to what objects?  

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Dear Damon,

Please contact BPM'online Support team (support@bpmonline.com) regarding this issue. 

Best regards,


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Hello, is there a way to use organization roles or functional roles with portal users other than the generic "all portal users" org role? For example if I want to use a business process to change access rights to one group of portal users, but not another group?

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Dear Mitch,

As for now it cannot be done with the help of application tools, but we have a correspondent problem registered to our R&D team so they could implement this functionality in one of future versions of the application. I will notify our R&D team about this question from you so to raise the priority of the problem. Thank you for helping us to make our application better!

As for now you can use this SQL-query so to add org.role for portal users:

insert into SysAdminUnit (ParentRoleId, Active, ConnectionType, SysAdminUnitTypeValue, Name) Values (N'720B771C-E7A7-4F31-9CFB-52CD21C3739F', 1, 1, 1, N'Portal Org Role')

Where "Portal Org Role" - is the name of role you want to add.

Best regards,


Hi Oscar,

Just to let you know that we are also interested in the functionality requested by Mitch.




Luis Tinoco Azevedo,

I am glad to inform you that starting from 7.14.2 version of the application there is a possibility to add organizational roles for portal users. To do that you need to create a subordinate organization for portal users role 

http://prntscr.com/oe4l3w, update roles and you will be able to choose it for portal users.

Best regards,


Nice. Thanks Oscar Dylan.

Excellent news! Thank you Oscar Dylan!

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Hello, has anyone encountered this? When a case is set to the "Waiting for Response" status and a reply is received, the case automatically gets moved to the "reopened" status and the assignee gets cleared and left as empty. 

Is this expected or standard functionality? or does this look like it could be a bug specific to custom coding in our system? Should I reach out to support regarding this?

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It is probably related to the system setting "Remove case assignee after case reopening" : http://prntscr.com/m5rvh7

You can read about it in the article:


Best regards,


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After I successfully created a class in a custom package, in a custom source code file, how do I declare it in the 'Usings' list under the 'Methods' tab?


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Hello Jordan,

Basically, when you create a class in a source code file, the class is inside the namespace. So, in business process you should put the name of namespace in  "usings" list.

Best regards,



I do that, but I get a compiling error when putting the namespace in the "usings" list:


The Type or Namespace "JordansNamespace" could not be found

Jordan Kincer,

The possible issue is that you simply forgotten to publish the source code. Also, please note that source code is written in C# language. 

You can find more info about source code schema here:


If you will have any further questions, please send us the source code and screenshot of "Methods" tab in business process.

Best regards,


Here is the namespace declaration in my source code file. The file's name is 'UsrLifeCompanyProposals' to match the class name. 

I have been publishing the source file without error. Here is its 'Using' in the business process.

Yet when I try to save the business process, I get the following error:

Jordan Kincer,

Unfortunately, it`s not clear from your screenshot with usings if you`re using the alias for the namespace. Try to remove the alias if it is indicated. Also, try to publish the source code again before working with business process.

To achieve that you should click on "publish" button: http://prntscr.com/m50e58

If it won`t help try to create the business process again from scratch.

Best regards,



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I 'm trying to implement the "Adding a detail with an editable list" of the development guide.

When creating the module at step 2 and filling the Parent object, I get Message Box that says "Module substitution is not allowed".

I'm on the 7.13 version.

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Dear Jerome,

The article you mentioned can be used as an example. This schema can be created in the Detail Wizard in the System Designer section. Then you may check the parent object and if it is correct - proceed with your task.

If this option is not suitable, try creating "Schema of the Detail View Model with List" instead of "Module". If this does not lead to the desired result, we recommend deploying an instance on the local server and debugging this issue. Hope my response will be useful for you! 

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Based on this article it does not appear that it is possible to add additional sections to the portal workspace, but I thought I would check with the community to verify. Is there a way to add the Changes section to the portal users workspace? Or could a changes detail be set up in the Cases section page and the portal users be given access to that? Any other possible solutions?

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Dear Mitch,

Unfortunately, there are no basic tools in the application to add more sections to the self service portal page except for the base ones. Our R&D department is already aware of similar requests, therefore, the option to add more sections is planned for a future releases. Feel free to track the upcoming releases with updated features here:


As for now you can add the sections only with the help of the development process. You can insert the available sections via the sql query.

The portal configuration instruction for a custom section is described in the community article. You can refer to it:



Apart from that, it is possible to add the required detail on a case page for a portal users. To do this, go to the workplace settings, choose Portal and open Portal Cases section page designer http://prntscr.com/m47xtl  There you can  add the Changes detail and it will be visible on a portal case page http://prntscr.com/m47ytj

Hope the solution will help you out. 


Thanks Dean Parrett,, is this possible for cloud solutions? Would I use the SQL query console app from the marketplace?

Dear Mitch,

Sure, you can install this app from the marketplace and run all necessary queries described in the articles.


Thank you Dean!

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Dear Team,

                 Please provide solution for section visibility based on role using client side development.

                   Thanks in advance.



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You can set this up in the Access rights in advanced settings by turning on managed by operations and setting up access for roles in access to object (http://prntscr.com/m3yppq).

Best regards,


Dennis Hudson,

Thanks Dennis


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Hi Community,

I'am getting this error message when adding new object to "List of Objects Available for portal Users" Lookup in our development system


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Dear Fulgen, 

This error occurs because there is a built-in limitation on the amount of objects that can be available for the portal users. You can avoid this limitation only with development. You can examine script 'InsertPortalUserCanReadRightsOracle' in the configuration to understand how to add more objects with the help of development tools. As a workaround you may remove extra objects and replace them with the needed ones in the  'List of objects available for portal users'. 

Also the portal set up will be reworked in 7.13.2 and you would be able to set this up in the section wizard.


Best regards, 


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If I create a case to an specific contact, and later I change it to another one, because this last one is the guy we need to contact to case issues, bpm'online continues notifying the first one no to the new one.

How can I change this logic?

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This is out-of-the-box logic of the application, so that notifications on incidents go to contacts that were firstly used in this incident and we do also have a problem registered on our side regarding changing of this logic. Our R&D team is currently looking at this problem and I guess there will be new logic implemented in one of future releases.

Therefore unfortunately there were no practical examples of this logic change and you need to change the email account in the email sent to case contact manually.

Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,


Thanks Oscar,

When you say "...and you need to change the email account in the email sent to case contact manually" I understand each time I send an email I must to change the email manually?, if not where must I change the email account?

Thanks again

Julio Falcon at...,

You need to change email address in the "To" field of the email. When you click on the "letter" button in actions dashboard you create new email and in case section this "To" field is filled with the email of the first contact of the incident. That's why you need to change "To" field value manually.

Hi Oscar, we have customer with same problem to be resolved, exist some news about some R&D resolution offered in last version released. If not, despite manually change "To" field when we use dashboard buttons, exist some workaround (maybe using some business process or similar) to resolve that need, mostly when notification to be send was automatically?, Thanks

Ernesto Bianchi,

Hello! Unfortunately there are no news about this functionality to be implemented. And I am not sure if the it can be implemented with the help of the business process since this logic of editing "To" field in cases activity dashboard is a core logic. But I will inform our R&D team about your question so to raise the priority of this problem!

Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

 Ok, thanks!, In understand that not possible to made automatically using active dashboard button, but if we associate some process to notify actual customer case by mail (ie.: when case status change), instead of use active button, is possible to use in process email object customer actual email and not original mail asociated?

Best, Ernesto

Ernesto Bianchi,

In order to achieve your business task, you will need to add customization to the out-of-box functionality. This requires developing skills.

The functionality responsible for the Recipient field value is spread through several schemas, being configured in the EmailsSearchMixin schema.

Therefore, if you want to override the basic logic, please consider adding a modified basic functionality to the replacing CasePage schema. Particularly, the publishListenerEmailData method. There you need to modify the "EmailData", which is received so to set needed email.



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