Hi Community,

Is it possible to rename the generated file from a printable?

My client wants a generated Quote doc file to be named using Number field instead of Quote#.doc (where # is the result of a counting).


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Dear Danilo,

The generated file name is the same as the name of the file which was uploaded to this printable record in the application. To rename the resulted file you need to rename a template and upload this new template to the printable record and after the next download it will be named as this template.

Best regards,



Oscar Dylan,

Hi Oscar, thanks for your message.

I am actually refering to the generated file whom is attached to the object when selecting to Print it. For instance, the Quote object is currently generating files Quote1.doc , Quote2.doc on the Attachments and Notes tab. I would need it to be something like [Quote.NumberField]v1.doc. 

Is that possible? If so, how can I do this?


Hi guys, I found that the name I was looking for is being edited on the Save printable to quote Business Process. Thanks.

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How can I pass a callback function to GetEntityCollection function of ESQ? 

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Please debug the function in the developers console in google chrome. Once you find how it works, you'll be able to find how to pass the parameter. Additionally, you can search for the examples with the global search trough all sources in the google developers console.

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Hi Community,

Do you have any example on how create schema that will calculate response time just like in the cases.


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Hi Community,

We implemented a Landing page to create Case (Web-to-Case) in which we have Email, Name and Phone Number of the Contact.

When the Contact doesn´t exist in the environment it is properly being created (which is right). However, if the Contact already exist, the newly created Case is assigned to the existed contact (which is right) but the phone number is not getting updated even if it is originally null.

Any thoughts?


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Hi Danilo,

You can create your custom Process started when Contact is assigned to Case. In this process you can compare received Communication options with existing ones and add them if necessary

Vladimir Sokolov,

Hi Vladimir, thanks for you message.

I am not clear on what you are refering to. What is the Phone field that comes from the Landing Page?


Danilo Lage,

The logic for creating cases from landing pages is covering setting of mobile phone when initially creating a contact for case. The logic is as follows:

  1. If contact fields matches the [Name], [Email] and [Phone] fields from the filled form, they will be added to the created case.
  2. If contact fields matches only the [Name] and [Email] fields from the filled form, they will be added to the created case.
  3. If contact fields matches only the [Email] field from the filled form, it will be added to the created case.
  4. Otherwise, a new contact is created and the [Name], [Email] and [Phone] fields will be filled in. The created contact is added to the registered case.

In case you indicate the existing contact, the mobile phone value will be ignored and won't update the existing contact with the values from landing.



Anastasia Botezat,

Hi Anastasia, thanks for your message. 

Concerning to the following sentence: "In case you indicate the existing contact, the mobile phone value will be ignored and won't update the existing contact with the values from landing."

We are looking for a way to change this behavior and actually update the existing contact (on steps #2 and #3 of the logic you described). Is this something we can do?

If not, is there a way to remove the Phone from the Web-To-Case landing page without causing this to break the form submition?


Danilo Lage,

There are two ways of achieving your task. The first one requires much of advanced development. You can override the 

WebFormCasePreProcessHandler source code so it will be processing the web-to-case logic in the way you need it. 

The second one is to create a field, e.g, mobile phone in the Case object. In the config on the landing page you map the mobile phone input to both mobile phone in Contact object and Case. Create a business process, which would be triggered when contact is linked to the new case. Check whether contact has a mobile phone, and set the phone if it exists in the custom phone column of Case object. 

Therefore, when case with existing contact and firstly indicated phone will come from landing, the existing contact will be linked to the case, just inserted phone will be added to case phone column and business process will set it to the contact. 

This is probably not the most elegant way, but the one I can think of.

Hope you will find it helpful,


Anastasia Botezat,

Hi Anastasia, good morning.

Is the WebFormCasePreProcessHandler source code on the server side? My client´s using cloud.


Danilo Lage,

Yes, this is source code, but we highly do not recommend interfering with basic logic, since it may cause unexpected errors.

Please rather consider making mobile phone a required field on your landing, so to fill it in when contact is initially created.



Anastasia Botezat,

Thanks, Anastasia. I will send your recommendation to client. Let´s see.

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Hi community, good afternoon.

We are facing an issue when editing bulk emails and we need to increase the max size limit for Bulk Email from 5MB to 10MB.

Is there a System Setting for this?


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Dear Danilo, 

Unfortunately the limitation is set on the provider's side and hence can't be increased. 


Best regards, 


Thanks, Dennis.

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Can I know how I can create insert queries and execute those using esq on the detail? 

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You can use the InsertQuery client-side. Here is a sample: 

var insert = Ext.create("Terrasoft.InsertQuery", {
	rootSchemaName: "UsrMyEntity"
insert.setParameterValue("UsrMyParentId", this.get("Id"), Terrasoft.DataValueType.GUID);
insert.setParameterValue("UsrMyDateProperty", new Date(), Terrasoft.DataValueType.DATE);
insert.execute(function() {
	// do any refreshing if needed here
}, this);


Ryan Farley,

Great! this helps. Is there a way I can do bulk insertion of multiple records at 1 single time? Any documentation reference would be really helpful. 

Thank you



To do any sort of insertions of multiple records, I would create a configuration service and call that instead from the client. It would be far more efficient that way.


Ryan Farley,

Hi guys, that is helping me in another implementation. Is it also possible to use it as updateQuery?


Danilo Lage,

Yes, an UpateQuery is similar, see the following sample:

var update = Ext.create("Terrasoft.UpdateQuery", {
	rootSchemaName: "Contact"
update.filters.add("IdFilter", update.createColumnFilterWithParameter(
	Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL, "Contact", this.get("UsrContactId")));
update.setParameterValue("UsrSomeField", "value", Terrasoft.DataValueType.TEXT);
update.setParameterValue("UsrSomeId", someId, Terrasoft.DataValueType.GUID);
update.execute(function() {
	// do any needed refreshing here etc
}, this);


Danilo Lage,


Please see the following articles, there you can find instructions on building update, insert, delete and batch queries. 





The examples are done using C# language in case you decide to create a web service. Also there is a JavaScript example. They are particularly the same in the syntax. There also you can find examples of cases using insert, update, delete and batch queries.

Hope you will find it helpful.



Ryan Farley,

Thanks, Ryan!


Anastasia Botezat,

Great, Anastasia...

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If I have an object, can I create a section with that object? If so, how?

Because I want to be able to create a sections for "Relationships" object of BPM so I can create filter folders on that section object. I need those folders to be be used another section to query and pull the account-contact relationships. 

Thank you in advance

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If you want to create section for the new object and store Account-Contact relationships in it please follow the steps in the article below: 


If by "Relationships object of bpm" you mean ContactCareer object (or other existing object) please see the article below in which you would find an instruction on how to create a section based on the existing object:


Best regards, 


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Hi Community,

How to configure the BPM CRM that the third party application can consume it and get data from it.


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Bpmonline already has endless integration possibilities. You can find more information about that in the academy article and its child articles below:


Best regards,


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Hi Community, good morning.

We are looking for a way to save progress when creating a new opportunity without closing the page. I know about the IsSilent flag, but couldn´t figure out a way to implement it by overriding the onSaved method.

Can you guys help me?


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To prevent navigating back after save using the isSilent flag, you can override the save method like this: 

save: function(config) {
	if (!config) config = {};
	config.isSilent = true;


Ryan Farley,

Thanks Ryan. It worked!

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Hi Community,


Is there an existing functionality in BPM that will identity all the modified fields.

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The best and the simplest way to check that would be a change log. You can read more about it below:



Please note, that the change log has to be enabled for a certain object first.

Best regards,


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