
Hi all,

We have a custom section called 'Dossiers'.

A dossier can have multiple invoices. Therefore we created a custom detail 'Invoice history' where each record is linked to a dossier (name UsrDossierInvoiceHistory).

Now I want to make the data from this detail available like a section so I can add it to a workplace and all records (linked to all dossiers) are displayed and can be filtered on.

Would it be enough to add a file 'UsrDossierInvoiceHistorySection' and 'UsrDossierInvoiceHistoryPage'?

Or can I achieve this using the section wizard, referring to an existing detail object?

Kind regards,


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Dear Vincent,

Please refer to this community question regarding registering custom section for existing object…. In your case your detail is an object and you need to create a section from it.

Best regards,


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I'm trying to do something quit simple but it is not working.

On the event of changing the Account in the LEad section, I want to set the PrimaryContact of the Account as a owner of a lead.

My code is like this:


onAccountChanged: function() {

                    var recordId = this.get("Id");


                    var esq = this.Ext.create("Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery", {

                    rootSchemaName: "Lead"


                                       esq.addColumn("QualifiedAccount.PrimaryContact.Id", "SalesContact");

                    esq.getEntity(recordId, function(result) {

    if (!result.success) {

        // error processing/logging, for example

        this.showInformationDialog("Data query error");




    this.set("Owner", "SalesContact");

   }, this);


When I check the value I got in "SalesContact" I can see the Id, but it won't update the lookup.

What am I missing here ?


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Dear Oren,

It is more simple to create a business process that will change owner of Lead on changing of Account in this lead record. So the process will be triggered when the record in "Leads" section is modified and modification is expected in "Account" field. After that you need to read data from this account that was set for lead record. You need primary contact value. And after that you need to use "Modify data" element that will set owner of this lead as value of primary contact taken from "Read data" element. The only minus of this method is that it will be triggered only after saving of lead record. Also you can try the way Jerome has suggested.

Best regards,


Jerome BERGES,

Hi Jerome

Thanks for your reply but it's not working.

I checked and the result of: result.entity.get("SalesContact") returns the Id of the record as a string. 

Maybe it has to do with the value I put in the "SalesContact", in this line?:

esq.addColumn("QualifiedAccount.PrimaryContact.Id", "SalesContact");

Maybe I need diferent data type than: QualifiedAccount.PrimaryContact.Id ?



Oscar Dylan,

Thanks Oscar

A business process can easily work but I need more elegant solution on the client side.

Oren Diga,

In order for the lookup to display the object you've set, it needs to be an object that contains both a value (the ID) and a displayValue (the text Name). 

Modify your esq to retrieve both the QualifiedAccount.PrimaryContact.Id as well as the QualifiedAccount.PrimaryContact.Name. Then, set it in the lookup like this: 

this.set("Owner", {value: result.entity.get("SalesContactId"), displayValue: result.entity.get("SalesContactName")});


Ryan Farley,

It's working !!!!

Thanks a lot

Ryan Farley,

How do we set Guid.Empty value to a lookup or remove the lookup data value in a record in server-side scripting?

Say., Owner is a lookup - Filled with a value as "Creatio Account"

There is a custom logic that runs and needs to update this Owner lookup to empty. How to set a Guid.Empty to a lookup?


Bhoobalan Palanivelu.

Bhoobalan Palanivelu,

You can use the Update class:

var update = new Update(UserConnection, "Contact")
        			.Set("OwnerId", Column.Parameter(null, "Guid"))
        			.Where ("Name").IsEqual(Column.Parameter("Name2"));
    		var cnt = update.Execute();


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Hi Community,


Is it possible to trigger a business process after new user was created?


I tried it, but it seems the process is not triggered. I also check the process log but this process is not there.


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So, since upgrading to, the Windows app from the App Store no longer works.  Specifically it hangs at "Loading Structure 329 from 329".  The app for iPhone appears to still work, however the Windows App will just lock up here indefinitely.  If I close it and re-open it then hangs on "Loading".  The only thing you can do is reset the app and try again, unfortunately with the same result.

Has anyone else experienced this?

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Dear Judy,

Can you please send this issue to for further investigation? 

Best regards,


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Tell me, please, is there a template or application with which you can edit files (docx, txt, pdf) inside CRM and after editing use them as an attachment to a letter without saving these files on your computer?

There is a specific example where CRM should act as the main repository of information from which the original version of the file is taken and the edited version is saved here (i.e., FTP or cloud disks cannot be used). Is it possible to implement this?


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Ryan Farley,

Thank you! But maybe somebody else can help.


The following functionality is best achieved with the application like this:

Since the bpmonline does not allow editing the files online, whereas the application allows it via the integration with GDocs or OneDrive.

Best regards,


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Usually I use the Handler method when I want to update field value depending on another field value when it changes.


For example:

dependencies: [

columns: ["Amount", "PaymentAmount"], 

methodName: "Calculate"    


The function "Calculate" will be triggered when columns "Amount" or "PaymentAmount" are changed.


My question is, how can I trigger a function when a change uccur on a detail, for example in the Products Details.

How can I activate the "Calculate" function when a change was made in the detail, for example, in the quantity of products?



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You can send a message via sandbox from the detail to the edit page to trigger the function. On the detail, override the onSaved function and send the message. On the edit page subscribe to the message and call your Calculate function. 

On the detail page:

messages: {
    "MyMessage": {
        mode: Terrasoft.MessageMode.BROADCAST,
        direction: Terrasoft.MessageDirectionType.PUBLISH
methods: {
    onSaved: function(response, config) {
        this.sandbox.publish("MyMessage", null, []);

On the edit page with the Calculate message:

messages: {
    "MyMessage": {
        mode: Terrasoft.MessageMode.BROADCAST,
        direction: Terrasoft.MessageDirectionType.SUBSCRIBE
methods: {
    init: function() {
        this.sandbox.subscribe("MyMessage", function(arg) {
        }, this, []);


Ryan Farley,

Thanks a lot Ryan !

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Can you sort records by ascending or descending in the mobile app? I can only find and option to filter records, but I would like to have my records filtered by ascending on the created by column. Is that possible? I did not see an option in the mobile app wizard to set up default sorting either.

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Dear Mitch,

Sorting is present only in the out-of-the-box sections and only in the out-of-the-box workplace “Main workplace”. Sorting is implemented at the code level that can be inspected in mobile%sectionname%moduleconf.js file. As for now any changes to sorting functionality can be done only with development. 

I'll inform our R&D team about this issue and suggest them to implement it. Thank you for helping us to make our application better!

Best regards,


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I am looking to import data into the Opportunities, which has an issue. I have a Section Detail which I am using to store a list of team members. I wish to import the opportunity data and populate this Team Member section with data. I pretty much on the current import data set only have 1 contact value to import.

I do not see how I can map the data from the Excel file to allow a data entry to import a single (or indeed multiple) value into a Section Detail. 

Is this possible and if so, how can I do this?

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Dear Mark,

As for now there is no such functionality, but I'll inform our R&D team about this issue and suggest them to implement it. Thank you for helping us to make our application better.

Best regards,


As a workaround you can import opportunities you wanted and then import team members into created opportunities. 

Best regards,


Hi Angela,

Since I posted, I have found that the process is to import the root data, in this example Opportunities and then do a separate import into the sub section detail. For this, it is necessary to know the name as it exists in the database, as this can be confusing to identify.

Click on the 3 dots by the section details title and choose Details to identify the database naming.

Mark Roberts,

You may also use "Data Import" button in the detail:

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How can I build a sales pipeline with conversion that consist the number of sales that have gone through each of the stages?

For example:

- We have 100 established sales at the Qualification stage. There are 5 standard stages in the system: "Qualification", "Presentation", "Commercial Offer", "Contracting", "Completed with a victory".

- The manager begins work with the created sales. Accordingly, 100 sales will pass through the first stage;

- 90 sales went to the “Presentation” stage (10 - ended with defeat), etc. Sales are eliminated with every new stage. The manager successfully completed 40 sales as a result. That 40 sales went through the all stages.

- The final sales pipeline should looks like - Qualification - 100, Presentation - 90, Commercial offer - 70, Contracting - 40, Completed with victory - 40.

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Dear Timur, 

You can use built-in Sales pipeline dashboard tile and choose to display "Pipeline conversion" there ( For more information on sales pipeline please see an article below:…

Best regards, 


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When creating a trigger campaign, is there a way to have the email sender dynamically pull the email address from the record owner?

Currently, you have to specify a single email address that all trigger emails in the campaign are sent from.

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Dear Scott, 

Unfortunately there is no built-in functionality to dynamically change sender in the trigger email. I registered the request to the development team and this functionality may be added in the future releases. 

Best regards, 


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