Hi there,
Does anyone know how to bind custom word reports to a package? The bind data plug-in does not appear in the report setup section.
Reports in Creatio are stored in the SysModuleReport and SysModuleReportTable tables, just like other records in the database.
They can be transferred using Databindings (for more details about this mechanism, please refer to the article - https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/dev/development-on-creatio-platform/development-tools/packages/bind-data/bind-data-overview).
Please check the necessary bindings.
The print forms are stored in two tables:
- SysModuleReport (Print form of the section);
- SysModuleReportTable (Table part of the print form).
Thus, for the correct transfer of the entire print form, it is necessary to perform the bindings of all the specified tables.
When transferring, make sure all print forms' titles are unique.
More details about the functionality can be found at the following link: