Replacing client module of a third party custom page.


I would like to create a replacing client module of a third party custom page. We can call this page UsrContainerPage. I would like to create a replacing client module of UsrContainerPage. This page was created in a third-party package. When I go to the configuration page and create a new replacing client module I am unable to make UsrContainerPage the parent object. This is where I think I'm wrong. I must not need to make UsrContainerPage the parent page in order to replace it? What do I make as the parent object? I tried making "Base card schema" the parent object because that is what the original page's (UsrContainerPage) parent object is, but when I do that I am unable to change the name from BasePageV2 to the page name I need. Along with that, I get this error "Script error for "UsrContainerPageStructure"" when I try to open the page after creating my replacing client module.

Any help appreciated.


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Dear Tyler, 

If UsrContainerPage is a schema and your custom package depends on the package with UsrContainerPage schema you need to choose this schema's title as a parent and replace it. If you are getting a message that the module can't be replaced it means that UsrContainerPage is a module. 

Since the version 7.13.0 It's not possible to replace a module. In order to change a module, please create your own module and connect it to the place where the out-of-the-box module was connected replacing that schema in order to force the system to use the new module instead of the old one. 

Dear Dennis Hudson,

Can you please elaborate on how to get the module's existing behavior and extend it without using replace client module.

Thank you


Mohamed Ouederni,

I'm not sure this will help you, but this is what I did. It's very simple. I just made sure my default package is set to the one I want to work in, and then I edit the detail page or whatever page for this instance, make a small change, and save it and then it should create the page you need for you.

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