Remove "Proceed to order" option on lead management process

Hi Community,


Anyone knows the correct way to remove the "Proceed to order" option on the lead management process, "Specify the lead's parameters" activity ?


I dont want to delete it but just make not visible for the user.




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Hi Luis,


One possible way to do that could be adding:


part to the ActivityPageV2Utilities schema from the UIv2 package like below:

but the problem is that this module cannot be inherited either using Ext.define or standard replacing view module.


When looking into other possible ways to achieve the required result I've noticed that the process-activity result buttons are formed based on the array that is written in the "AllowedResult" column of the "Activity" table:

and if we perform an UPDATE query like below:

UPDATE Activity SET AllowedResult = '["89a7d2c0-103f-4f41-87f7-265a34bf1d89","e07f0e4a-f36b-1410-6698-00155d043204","a08e24ec-c5d1-4951-b49f-5e70dde6a7d9","d87d32bc-f36b-1410-6598-00155d043204"]'
WHERE Title = 'Contact customer, specify need, budget, decision-making role.'

then one button is removed ("Proceed to order" in my case):

and based on your need this should perfectly work: you need to create any logic that could modify the array of activity result IDs stored in the "AllowedResult" column from the "Activity" table based on some conditions. It can be either a separate process that will be triggered on creating an activity or the EntityEvent listener on ActvityInserted or database trigger.


Hope it helps.


Best regards,


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