Google Maps section

Hi community,


I was trying to implement a section under the "Sales" workplace just to have a google maps view of the adresses directly related to my customers under the "customers" or "accounts" section. I was searching some add-ons to do this and i found this one and this one but nothing seems to work. I had many problems with the toolkit and when following the installation steps, it seems impossible to find the "Maps" tab under the concerned section. The first one, "google maps route creatio" has no documentation and I don't have a clue on how to install it and make it work. 


Could it be possible to implement a custom google maps API ? If yes, how could I get the latitude and longitude and retrieve the adresses of the contacts under the "customers" and "accounts" sections ?


It's a really simple thing to implement in JS/html/css but I have no clue on how to do this in Creatio.


Thanks a lot for your help.


Best regards,



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Dear Jonathan,


Thank you for your question!


In this case we would recommend contacting [Google Maps route for Creatio] support via email -


Hope this helps!


Thank you!




Hi Jonathan,


Creatio Marketplace has a mapping tool called Mapsly geocode your records based on coordinates/address and save correspondingly coordinates/address back to Creatio.


You can also show pins of your contacts on the map, assign territories, build routes, etc.

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