Can SSO be enabled for portal users?

Hi There,

Can portal users login to Creatio through Single Sign On just like regular system users?


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Hello Vishal,


Creatio supports only 1 user type for the SSO. It can be either Employee or Portal User. 

You can use both of them only in case there is a possibility of configuring separate IdP providers for portal users and company employees.

But in this case:

- You will not be able to use JIT 

- Service initiated login (when you getting redirected to your SSO provider after going to Creatio website) will be possible only with one provider or none of them. 

In case you enable it for one provider - (the one which will be stated in PartnerIdP key in web.config) you will have to make sure that all users of a type different from provided within this provider will use SSO only directly from their IdP. 

Best regards,


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