Auto numbering on case creatio from an e-mail

Hello guys,


I can't find the module used to auto-number the cases created from an e-mail.

I have two sections based on the "Case" object. For the first OOTB section the auto-numbering is set on SR{0:00000}.


I implemented a replacement module to change the auto-numbering for the other case section like this :



So, I obviously created two new system settings "GlbCodeMask" and "GlbLastNumber" (this is why I overrided the getIncrementCode method from BaseModulePageV2.


This works great for new manual cases (and copy) but it doesn't work when the case is created when an e-mail is received. 


What should I override to have this number taken from my new system settings when creating a case on receiving an e-mail ?


Please, let me know.


Many thanks,


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Hello Jonathan,


This is the business process in the "Case" object from the "Case" package:

In case it should be modified you need to:


1) Activate the following signal in your "Case" object from the development package:

2) Create a similar process in the object where the signal was activated.

3) Apply changes to the process (copy the original one with custom element codes, but also add some logic there).


Since incident registration from emails is a business process, the server-logic of the process above is triggered to populate the case number.


Best regards,


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