Landing page domain setup - Error Not allowed request URL


We've been trying to connect our Wordpress site (using Contact Form) with Creatio but we are getting the error "Not allowed request URL). I've tried to use all the possible combinations of domains in the landing page setup but none seem to work. Is there any other reason why this error is popping up?

Thanks in advance!

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Hello Rok, 


You should put in the URL of you  your landing page to the  Website domains ] field. 


Note. In the [ Website domains ] field, specify all domains used to host the landing page. The domains must be separated with commas.

Please find more information here.

Best regards,


Hi Bogdan,

Thanks for your feedback!

Could you please clarify what exactly you mean by landing page? I've followed the instructions on… which says that we shall use the https:/* domain? I've also tried to use* (our wordpress site domain), a combination of both separated by a coma and even full domain name without a wildcard (*) but I always get the same error. 

Rok Strukelj,

As I can see on the screenshot, you put the Creatio system's URL. But you shut put there the URL of the target website. 

Best regards,


Hi Bogdan,

Thanks, but as advised in the instructions it should be the Creatio/BPM address:

Important. The website domain in the landing page setup in bpm'online should contain the bpm'online URL and * char.

I have tried also with our domain address (as http, https and even both separated by comma) but I always get the same error:

Could there be any other reason for this error?

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