Issue while modifying the OOTB Business Process

Hello All,

We have deactivated the "Handoff to sales 7.8.0", and we have implemented our custom process for it. But the OOTB BP gets triggered from its parent BP "Lead management 7.8.0".

Approach 1:

I have overridden the process "Lead management 7.8.0" by removing the Sub-Process "Handoff to sales 7.8.0" and saving it in a newer version.

Ref Img,

Also updated the system setting value of "LeadmanagementProcess" to the newer BP name. But when we try to run the flow the BP is not triggered and there is no error in the console when tried to debug, it's getting the right process from the value from SysSetting, but for no reason, the process is not been triggered and no logs found.

Approach 2:

I have overridden the process "Handoff to sales 7.8.0", in such a way when the process gets triggered it will terminate by not performing any logic.

Ref Image,

But when we run the flow it throws the below error.

Kindly, help us in identifying best way not to trigger "Handoff to sales 7.8.0" process ?


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Please note that Lead management process 7.8.0 is a complex process that consists of sub-processes that are triggered by the lead status change.

You can open it from the Process library to analyze its logic and understand how it works. If you want to customize it, you need to copy this process or create a new one, then disable the standard process and enable your own.

Here is more detailed info about the standard lead management process:

Kalymbet Anastasia,

I just wanted to deactivate the BP - "Handoff to sales 7.8.0". Even though I deactivated it manually it tries to run from the parent process called from the "LeadmanagementProcess". I made an exact copy of the "LeadmanagementProcess" removed the subprocess calling HandOff to Sales and changed the system setting value. But there is no error and the process is unable to trigger (Approach-1, mentioned above).

What is the best and easiest way to deactivate "HandOff to sales 7.8.0" BP without disturbing mostly on other items?

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