Does Dynamics 365 provides a set of APIs that allow Creatio to interact with its entities, including the Case entity. for an example we need to get single instance as well as list of Case entities base on filter criteria.


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There is no such OOB intergmation. 

But we've registered it in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in future application releases.

As for now, you can make your own integration using API\Odata:…


Thank you for helping us to improve our product. 

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I'm trying to modify the chat panel to add a new button that will contain another type of template, but I can't find which module file refers to this panel.

What files are related to this panel that allow me to make changes within it?


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Damien Collot,

Thanks for sharing, but unfortunately I don't have access to see the content of the link

Also don't have access to the link:)

This module is named OmniChatModule and it is pretty unique. As you may noticed it doesn't have a structure where elements are contained in a diff panel, instead, it creates them in code (check the method render() in it).

Currently, if you want to add something to it, you need to analyze the logic of the OmniChatModule schema and OmniChatUtilities to write your own version. For example, when you click on the context name, it triggers the method openContactCard in OmniChatUtilities.

To be honest, I can't guarantee that it is even possible to modify this panel in the current version.

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Hello Community,


I need to know if it is possible (and how to proceed if possible) to upload a file into Creatio (in this specific case an audio file) from an external application using OData connection in version 8.0.10. The file need to be uploaded into the attachments detail of a custom section.


Thank you!

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Hello Javier,

Regarding the general function of OData, you can find detailed information in the following resource:


OData Overview


For more specific examples and methods, you can refer to this documentation:


OData Methods and Examples

API for file management

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Has anyone managed to return the count of attachment records from a record. Having trouble validating whether a record has any attachments or not.

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You can use the EntitySchemaQuery to get the number of attachments:

onEntityInitialized: function() {
				var contactId = this.get("Id");
				var esq = Ext.create("Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery", {rootSchemaName: "ContactFile"});
                    var filter = esq.createColumnFilterWithParameter(Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL, "Contact", contactId);
                    esq.getEntityCollection(function (result) {
                        if (result.success) {
                        	window.alert("This record has " + result.collection.collection.length + " attachments");
                    }, this);


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Hi Community,


How can I do in the new Freedom Ui so that the page does not close after saving a record?

I know the method in the old classic page, but I can't find the way to do it in the new Freedom ui.


Thank you in advance.

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This works, but does produce some odd results on some pages - for example the Case page shows several things once the CreatedOn is populated and it appears that the data isn't reloaded after the save. So you'd probably also have to do a reload in addition to this: 

    request: "crt.SaveRecordRequest",
    handler: async (request, next) => {
        request.preventCardClose = true;
        return next.handle(request);


Thanks for sharing Ryan

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I'm calculating the response and resolution date in the case through a business process using the "Add Business Days" user task but is not working, it appears the error:

I think this happen because is not compatible with postgress sql.  Do you know if there is another user task or feature I can use to perform this calculation?


This is my process:


Thank you,  



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If the end result you're after is to add days to a date, you can use a formula such as:


Note, the [#Case.TheDateField#] would be the date fields read in the process. the important part is the .AddDays(3) which would add 3 days.




The problem here is that this user task is written for MSSQL, and there is a query that looks like this:

var selectQuery = new Select(_userConnection) .Column("dow", "Code").As("Code") .From("DayOfWeek").As("dow") .InnerJoin("DayInCalendar").As("dic").On("dow", "Id").IsEqual("dic", "DayOfWeekId") .InnerJoin("DayType").As("dt").On("dic", "DayTypeId").IsEqual("dt", "Id") .Where("dt", "IsWeekend").IsEqual(Column.Parameter(1)) .And("dic", "CalendarId").IsEqual(Column.Parameter(calendarId)) as Select;


We are interested in this line: .Where("dt", "IsWeekend").IsEqual(Column.Parameter(1))


In MSSQL, boolean columns are represented as 0 and 1 (false and true, respectively), whereas in PostgreSQL, they are represented as true and false. To address this issue, there are a few options:

- Avoid using this line of code and find an alternative way to filter the data without relying on the boolean comparison directly.

- Reach out to the addon developer and ask them to make the necessary adjustments to handle the PostgreSQL boolean representation.

- Try searching for a PostgreSQL-specific cast or conversion function that can convert an integer (1 or 0) to a boolean (true or false). 

Ryan Farley,

Thank you, but I need to add only working days.  The user task named  

"Add Business Days" is what I need but the problem is that it only works for MSSQL and not for PostgreSQL. 



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Hello all,


I am trying to configure an instance in 8.0.10 using Changes, Problems, and Configuration Items however the sections are not appearing either in Freedom or Classic UI. Have they been removed? I can see the objects still in the Configuration screen but they are not appearing in Workplace Setup.

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At the moment we are carrying out preparatory work to move the product line from large products to composable applications and to comply with the upcoming release of the new pricing.

As part of this work, ITIL sections (including the Configurations section) have been removed from the builds for the new sites. For backwards compatibility when upgrading, the ITIL functionality packages remain on the existing sites.

Best regards,



You can see in this post that the ITIL sections are back when installing the component. Please follow this thread:…

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Using the new case management composable app, can we create cases with webhook (Eg: from support contact page on website)?

And can you populate the webhook with predefined values in addition to the form fields ?

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Best reply

Yes. You can add a Case (or any entity) using a webhook. All you need to do is specify EntityName: Case in the payload and include any of the fields needed for the case, including any default values. 

What I've not tested yet (and I suspect cannot be done with a webhook) is include a nested payload for related data - such as an account)

Yes. You can add a Case (or any entity) using a webhook. All you need to do is specify EntityName: Case in the payload and include any of the fields needed for the case, including any default values. 

What I've not tested yet (and I suspect cannot be done with a webhook) is include a nested payload for related data - such as an account)

You can also specify in webhook an entity which will be used as an intermediate object before case registration. 

For ex, Submitted form. 

You will need to add your case relating fields in Submitted form (including nested payload) and then to write a process which will be triggered when a form is submitted and 

to manage nested data, perform any searches and register a case from this process.

More than using the webhook to entity conversion using the OOTB process, I've been just adding my own. If the payload from the webhook doesn't contain an "EntityName" the ootb process rejects it, however, you can still create your own process that triggers from a signal of webhook added, plus you can add filters for the headers or payload containing some specific values. Then deserialize the JSON payload and do whatever you want with it. I'll have an article written up on this topic soon.


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Hello Community,


In the new Freedom UI, I need that in the dropdown field 'Responsible' (contact object) appear only the data that are of 'Type = Employee' (contact attribute).


I know how to do it in the previous versions but not in the new one.

In the new one I can't find the way to make this filter, can you help me?


Thank you very much!

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Hello Creatio community!

I'm new to the platform and excited to learn more. I've recently started using Creatio for process management, and I'm curious to know about any best practices for designing and automating complex workflows. Are there any specific features or tools in Creatio that can help streamline processes and increase efficiency? I'd also love to hear about any success stories or real-world use cases of Creatio in action. Any advice, tips, or insights from experienced users would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you!

Bob Lewis

(Mulesoft Training)

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Thank you for your question.

More useful information which helps you well understand Creatio functionality you find in the article below:

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