We are having with trouble with the Leave Request template, I have contacted our Customer Care Agent and she confirmed all our settings are correct. Please see initial email to her below and response above. 

Could you please assist?


Reply from Creatio:

I’ve reviewed settings and everything looks to be correct. But the issue of not receiving notifications is  because the process is not started. When process is started (activated) there must be a record in Process log, while in your system I didn’t find any record in Process log that belongs to the Vacation leave request. I triggered from your test record the process, and still nothing. We have discussed this with support team, and they ask to contact app developer via Community (as this mentioned on a site)



Initial email to Creatio Success Manager:

Unfortunately, while we can enter leave requests, the Department Head/Approver (user:Nat Darbyshire) doesn’t receive notifications in the Notification Centre on the right. Further when clicking into the requests section he is unable to change the status of the request. Please see screenshot below. For this example I set myself up as the Requestor as well as the HR Specialist.


Please see screenshots below of Organisational Structure and settings.


Organizational structure items

HR Specialist


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Hello Julia,

Thank you for your post! Could you please re-send screenshots? The attached pictures are corrupted and cannot be opened.

Thank you in advance!

Olga Avis,

Done. Thanks!

Hello Julia,


The Requestor needs to click [Actions] and select [Send for approval] (please refer to the screenshot below) to run the "Vacation leave request" process.


Hi Andre,

I activated the process by clicking the "Send for approval" button from Actions, but then there was no result: for some seconds there was a preloader on a screen, but then nothing and in process log there were no records associated with this process, that meant that process wasn't started at all. Unfortunatelly I wasn't able to find out the reason. 

Andre Kosolapenko,

Hi Andre,

I activated the process by clicking the "Send for approval" button from Actions, but then there was no result: for some seconds there was a preloader on a screen, but then nothing and in process log there were no records associated with this process, that meant that process wasn't started at all. Unfortunatelly I wasn't able to find out the reason. 

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Hi Guys, 

i installed the Sales pipeline by cases to one of our production instance, but the filters does not seem to work. Even though i set it to exclude the closed stages, it still appears in the pipeline. See pics:

Is there anyway for me to remove those? Thanks for your help

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Dear Mark,


To remove the stage from the pipeline it is necessary to go to Opportunity Stages lookup, find the required stage and uncheck the checkbox 'Show in funnel' for it. Thus, the stage will no longer be visible in the pipeline.




Hi Dean,


I unchecked the stages i didn't want to be visible but they still showed up in the pipeline that was created using the add on (Sales pipeline by cases). 

Dear Mark,


There is no other option to hide the required stages when using this add on unless you remove Opportunity value from the Case field in the pipeline settings.




Thanks for you help Dean! and quick responses lol

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I am facing the following error when clicking on "Complete interview" using the "Conducting surveys for Creatio" from devlabs.


42883: operator does not exist: boolean = integer


I am using a creatio cloud demo site.

Please advise.


Thank you.


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Hello Maher,

Thank you for your notification.

We have reproduced the issue and forwarded it to the responsible team. We hope to receive their feedback until the end of the current week.


Will keep you informed.

Have a good day!



Any update on this case?

Please note that we are planning to use it in a project in an SQL environment, is it compatible with SQL Database?


Thank you.




Kind reminder!




Hello Maher,

We have published the updated package on Creatio Marketplace. Please re-install the add-on from Creatio Marketplace and check for updates.

The updated package is compatible with both MS SQL and PostgreSQL.

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Hi Community,

I installed this  https://marketplace.creatio.com/app/multiple-choice-field-setup-creatio   on our development system version "". I added the required codes on our page and it's working as expected. There are few problems with this addon on our page.

1) When opening the page from the section page, it auto switches to edit mode (instead of the "Close" button, it displays the "Save" button) even though there is nothing changed on the page.

2) When opening any record from the details page, and close it, the main page's multiple-choice field lose all its selected on-screen (blank). If we refresh the page manually, the multiple-choice field displays correctly.

Please help. 

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Hi JP Ngo,


I have forwarded your problems to the responsible team. I will let you know the results by the end of this week.

Hi JP Ngo,

As a follow-up of the above:

1) The responsible team have reproduced the first problem you described and it is currently being fixed.

2) The second issue is in the process of verification.

We'll get back with an update as soon as we have their feedback.

S.Kobizka, is there any progress in this issue?  We'd like to use this in our pages. Thanks. 


Hello S. Kobizka, we are still having trouble with this question. Have you made any progress on this? If possible, I would like to know how things are going with the development.

Hi S. Kobizka, me again. We are looking to use this feature but cannot since we are running into these issues. Can you provide me with an update and include if this is something your team won't be researching? I'm hoping to have a working solution this week, but it is dependent upon you and your team. We are really impressed with what you have been able to do, it just needs to get a little bit further for it to be a great solution.

Hi JP Ngo, hi Mark,


Thank you very much for your kind feedback and please accept my apologies for the delay.

We've received the following response from the team:

1) When you open a page from a section, it will automatically switch to the edit mode in case you've clicked any other field (even accidentally) on the section page. It doesn't depend on whether you've made any changes or not. It is the default page behavior and the setup of a multiple-choice field does not change it.

2) The issue from the second case has been investigated and the cause of the problem is now identified. The team is planning to fix it before July, 10th.


Hope this helps.

Have a good forthcoming weekend!

Hi S. Kobizka, have you had a chance to fix the 2nd issue? We are very excited to get this working in our environment. 

Hi Mark,


Sorry for the delay.

I have checked the feedback from the responsible team. However, the issue has not yet been fully resolved and I had to return it back to them for further investigation.

I expect to receive the solution within the following week and will let you know when the fix will be available at Creatio Marketplace.


Thank you very much for your patience.

Wish you a good day!

Thanks for the reply. Looking forward to a working solution. Any updates you can provide would be greatly appreciated. 

Just checking in to see if there is something new on this one.

Hi Mark,


Good news! We have published the updated package on Creatio Marketplace. Please re-install the add-on from Creatio Marketplace and check for updates.

 Thank you for fixing the bugs. I put it on the simple page and it works fine. I found another bug. When we navigate the records on the panel on the left, the multi-select field adds up the records from the cache and it has all the duplicates (please see the attached picture). Hope you can fix this bug. Thank you. 

Hi JP Ngo,


We have successfully reproduced the issue that you mentioned above and reported it to the responsible team. We are waiting for the team’s feedback and will notify you of any updates.


Thank you!

Hello Alexander,


Is there an update on this?



Me again... Hoping to hear of any updates you can provide. Please let me know.

Hello Mark,


This is to inform you that the team are going to update the package with the requested fix next week.

We'll let you know when the update becomes available on Creatio Marketplace.


Thank you!

That is fantastic news! Thanks for the update, Svetlana.

Hi Svetlana, can you provide me with an update? 

Hi Mark,

The responsible team will send us the updated package tomorrow. We will keep you informed on the publication of the updated package.

Thank you for your patience.

Hi Mark,


This is to inform you that we have published the updated package on Creatio Marketplace. Please install the add-on and check for the updates.


Have a good forthcoming weekend!

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Hi All,


We have an issue for our client, after we install Excel report builder from marketplace, https://marketplace.creatio.com/app/excel-reports-builder-creatio .


We cant move this excel report to our workplace in workplace setup.


does anyone know how to solve this?

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I believe I got around this one time by selecting multiple sections to add to the workplace, one of them being Excel Reports.  Then it added, and I could remove the other section.

Hi Jordy,


agree with Chris. Try to add first any basic section to the workplace and after that the 'Excel reports' section. 

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