How can I build a sales pipeline with conversion that consist the number of sales that have gone through each of the stages?
For example:
- We have 100 established sales at the Qualification stage. There are 5 standard stages in the system: "Qualification", "Presentation", "Commercial Offer", "Contracting", "Completed with a victory".
- The manager begins work with the created sales. Accordingly, 100 sales will pass through the first stage;
- 90 sales went to the “Presentation” stage (10 - ended with defeat), etc. Sales are eliminated with every new stage. The manager successfully completed 40 sales as a result. That 40 sales went through the all stages.
- The final sales pipeline should looks like - Qualification - 100, Presentation - 90, Commercial offer - 70, Contracting - 40, Completed with victory - 40.
Dear Timur,
You can use built-in Sales pipeline dashboard tile and choose to display "Pipeline conversion" there (https://prnt.sc/m8qoa5). For more information on sales pipeline please see an article below:
Best regards,