Send Email Setup in business process
I have used [Send Email] element in request approval business process. I am able to select the approver manually. I want to send the email from selected approver. But I am getting from as [#Lookup.Mailbox synchronization settings.mymailid#]. Which process parameter I need to take.
Thank you.
In order to send the email from approver please add to the business process two “Read data” elements after “Approval” and before “Send email”. First element reads data about current approval. Second element reads data about approver Mailbox synchronization settings. After adding these elements, you will be able to set the “From” setting in the “Send email” element to approver. Please follow the instructions:
1. In first element please set up following values:
- Which data read mode to use? - Read the first record in the selection.
- Which object to read data from? – Select section that you used in approval elements.
- How to filter records? – Id = [Your approval element name in business process].Current Approval Id.
- What record data should the process read? - Read data from selected columns only: Approver.
2. In second element please set up following values:
- Which data read mode to use? - Read the first record in the selection.
- Which object to read data from? – Mailbox synchronization settings.
-How to filter records? – User = [Previous read data element].Approver
- What record data should the process read? - Read data from selected columns only: Id.
3. In order to set the “From” setting in the “Send email” element please choose “Process parameter” – select second “Read data” element – select Id value.
Best regards,