Building landing pages

In the recent Creatio video 'Creatio 8.2 Energy Release'[1] at 27:40 the video illustrates how to "easily build landing pages using no-code tools" with the landing page linked to a Web page element in the Marketing Campaigns editor.  I cannot see how this is done so assume it is a feature for a future 8.2 release?  Thanks,

[1] Creatio 8.2 Energy Release: The New Era of Business Automation with AI and no-code - YouTube

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I was wondering about that as well. I also cannot find the new email designer mentioned in the 8.2 release notes. Hopefully someone from Creatio can chime in and provide some clarity on those.



In order to use the Email Marketing app, you need to install the Email Marketing application.
Email Marketing application can be installed from the Marketplace.
In the Application Hub, it is also available to be installed. Please notice that it is compatible with the 8.2.0 version. 

More information regarding the Email Marketing app can be found in this article:

Best regards,

Antonii Viazovskyi,

Thanks! I've been looking everywhere but the marketplace 🤦🏼‍♂️. Do you know about the landing page builder that Gareth mentioned from the 8.2 release video?


Fair point, could not find the landing page builder anywhere either

As far as I noticed, that was the Landingi builder.

Vladimir Sokolov,

Indeed, but here natively integrated in Creatio. But there's not much more information currently than this presentation of when we can expect the release.

Regarding the new email marketing: Has anybody noticed any missing feature that used to be present in classic UI or all is there already 😊 ?

Damien Collot,

For the Email Marketing package and the new Email designer. It's lacking quite a bit. There's no support for selecting a template to start with, no reusable blocks - you're starting 100% from scratch each time you create an email. The adding of merge fields is clunky and limited. The overall designer is a bit confusing (which comes from the 3rd-party component Creatio is using) There's actually quite a bit missing that makes it unusable IMO. I won't be moving anyone to it anytime soon.


Ryan Farley,

Thanks for the feedback, another half-implemented Freedom UI version of its classic counterpart 😖. Hope we will not have to wait too long before we can switch, currently builder starting to be quite old.

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