CTI Panel answerCall method override


I would like to know if anyone has an idea how it could be overridden method answerCall on CTI Panel, so that when somebody clicks on Answer call button, edit Page of that specific Call is opened to fill in Notes and other necessary data?

Thank you.

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Hello Jelenko,
To implement your logic you can do the following:
1) Create replacing view model for CtiPanel object.
2)  Implement CtiPanel  
define("CtiPanel", [],
    function() {
        return {
            attributes: {},
            methods: {
                answerCallCustom: function() {

                    // your logic here

                    // get call id from your cti provider to pass to business process
                    var args = {
                        sysProcessName: "customProcess",
                        parameters: {
                            callId: callId
            diff: [
                    "operation": "merge",
                    "name": "AnswerButton",
                    "parentName": "ButtonsPanel",
                    "propertyName": "items",
                    "values": {
                        "click": {"bindTo": "answerCallCustom"}

3) Create business process with callId parameter that opens the page you need1
Hope this helps

Yevhenii Grytsiuk,

Thank you Yevhenii,


after your suggestion to use business process and start it from client side, I changed my implementation approach and managed to do it with following trigger, which starts business process when call is picked up:



Maybe someone finds it useful for future reference.


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