Unable to modify business rules


We can not add or edit business rules on our custom Order Product Detail, the system return the following error : 

Unable to modify business rules because the "Edit card - Product in order" page source code contains invalid json symbols. Your system administrator will have to delete these symbols. After the mentioned above symbols have been deleted, you need to re-open the wizard, and business rules will be available for edit.

I tryed to remove all the code in our custom orderProduct detail :

=> the system still returns the error

Does anyone have any ideas to fix the problem ?

Thank you,


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Just throwing out some ideas. Maybe there's some non-printable character that got posted in somewhere? I'd try pasting the contents to a text editor that can show non-printable chars (such as Notepad++).

Also, maybe look at the resource strings? Maybe there's a resource name with some weird char?

Thank you Ryan for your answer, i ve check what you advise me to check, but i did not find any problem.

We are having two OrderProductPageV2 in two separate package: Custom and Custom_transfert, we removed all business rules in the OrderProductPageV2 in Custom_transfert and surprisingly we can edit the orderProductDetail business rules...

Thank you again for your help !

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