Configure only require attributes in the OOTB Filter - Section

Hi Creatio Team,

The requirement is to show only the needed columns/attributes to be displayed in the OOTB filter in the section as you can see in the below image.

As you can see in the above image, all the columns are getting displayed in the contact section. The requirement is too show the needed columns/attributes and not the whole. Need to implement this functionality across sections. Kindly, guide us in implementing the functionality.

Regards & Thanks,

Adharsh S

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Take a look at this post, you can hide unnecessary columns by setting its Usage mode to "None".

Also, you can look here:

Dmytro Vovchenko,

We can't use the Usage Mode - None. because these fields which are to be hidden, need to be reused in Business Rules, process and other places. So, this approach we can't go forward.

The second approach, I have looked into the link -

The below code mentioned in the above link,

define("GlbLookupPage", ["ConfigurationEnums", "LookupPage"], function(ConfigurationEnums) {
    Ext.define("Terrasoft.configuration.GlbLookupPage", {
        override: "Terrasoft.LookupPage",
        alternateClassName: "Terrasoft.GlbLookupPage",
generateViewModel: function() {
            var model = this.callParent(arguments);
            model.getSchemaColumns = this._getSchemaColumns;
            return model;

Can you give me some example code - For eg, I need to filter only the columns such as ("Account", "Full Name", "Age", "Address type") under contact Section.



Adharsh S


Hi Creatio Team,

Can you help me out with the mentioned scenario ?

Test case - "Can you give me some example code - For eg, I need to filter only the columns such as ("Account", "Full Name", "Age", "Address type") under contact Section."


Adharsh S

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