The C# OData integration with writing cookies to a disk

Please don't forget to change patches and give an access to the file modifying permission.

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
namespace ODataFile
    class ODataFileHelper
        public string serverUri = "";
        public string authServiceUri = "";
        public string userName = "Supervisor";
        public string userPassword = "Supervisor";
        public int MaxLoginAttempts = 3;
        public string CookiesFilePath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), "cookies.dat");
        public readonly XNamespace ds = "";
        public readonly XNamespace dsmd = "";
        public readonly XNamespace atom = "";
        CookieContainer AuthCookie = new CookieContainer();
        string CsrfToken = "";
        int LoginAttempts = 0;        
        public HttpWebResponse SendRequest(string requestURIstring, string method = "GET", XElement entry = null)
            while (LoginAttempts < MaxLoginAttempts)
                HttpWebRequest dataRequest = BuildRequest(requestURIstring, method, entry);
                dataRequest.CookieContainer = AuthCookie;
                dataRequest.Headers.Add("BPMCSRF", CsrfToken);
                    var dataResponse = (HttpWebResponse)dataRequest.GetResponse();
                    LoginAttempts = 0;
                    return dataResponse;
                catch (WebException ex)
                    var webResponse = (HttpWebResponse)ex.Response;
                    if (webResponse != null && webResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized)
                        LoginAttempts += 1;
                        return null;
            return null;
        HttpWebRequest BuildRequest(string requestURIstring, string method = "GET", XElement entry = null)
            var dataRequest = HttpWebRequest.Create(requestURIstring) as HttpWebRequest;
            dataRequest.Method = method;
            dataRequest.Accept = "application/atom+xml";
            dataRequest.ContentType = "application/atom+xml;type=entry";
            if (entry != null)
                using (var writer = XmlWriter.Create(dataRequest.GetRequestStream()))
            return dataRequest;
        void TryLogin()
            var authRequest = HttpWebRequest.Create(authServiceUri) as HttpWebRequest;
            authRequest.Method = "POST";
            authRequest.ContentType = "application/json";
            authRequest.CookieContainer = AuthCookie;
            using (var requestStream = authRequest.GetRequestStream())
                using (var writer = new StreamWriter(requestStream))
                                ""UserName"":""" + userName + @""",
                                ""UserPassword"":""" + userPassword + @""",
            using (var response = (HttpWebResponse)authRequest.GetResponse())
        void WriteCookiesToDisk()
            using (Stream stream = File.Create(CookiesFilePath))
                    BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
                    formatter.Serialize(stream, AuthCookie);
                catch(Exception e)
                    //ToDo: log error writing cookies to disk
        void ReadCookiesFromDisk()
                using (Stream stream = File.Open(CookiesFilePath, FileMode.Open))
                    BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
                    AuthCookie = (CookieContainer)formatter.Deserialize(stream);
                    CookieCollection cookieCollection = AuthCookie.GetCookies(new Uri(authServiceUri));
                    CsrfToken = cookieCollection["BPMCSRF"].Value;
            catch(Exception e)
                //ToDo: log error reading cookies from disk
    class ODataFile
        static void Main(string[] args)
        public static void GetOdataCollectionByAuthByHttpExample()
            var helper = new ODataFileHelper();
            var uri = helper.serverUri + "ContactCollection?select=Id, Name";
            using (var dataResponse = helper.SendRequest(uri))
                if (dataResponse != null)
                    XDocument xmlDoc = XDocument.Load(dataResponse.GetResponseStream());
            using (var dataResponse = helper.SendRequest(uri))
                if (dataResponse != null)
                    XDocument xmlDoc = XDocument.Load(dataResponse.GetResponseStream());
            var content = new XElement(helper.dsmd + "properties",
                  new XElement(helper.ds + "Name", "Jhon Gilts"),
                  new XElement(helper.ds + "Dear", "Jhon"));
            var entry = new XElement(helper.atom + "entry",
                        new XElement(helper.atom + "content",
                        new XAttribute("type", "application/xml"), content));
            var uriForPost = helper.serverUri + "ContactCollection/";
            using (var dataResponse = helper.SendRequest(uriForPost, "POST", entry))
                if (dataResponse != null)
                    XDocument xmlDoc = XDocument.Load(dataResponse.GetResponseStream());


Like 0




Thanks, Eugene.

Also, it is extremely important to include the code below to avoid creating a large number of requests in the SysUserSession table.

A new session is created for each OData request. A large number of requests may cause a database block.Use the ForceUseSession parameter (for GET-requests) or ForceUseSession header (for all request types) to use an existing session when sending an OData request. See details here…


C# sample:


HttpWebRequest dataRequest = BuildRequest(requestURIstring, method, entry);

dataRequest.CookieContainer = AuthCookie;

dataRequest.Headers.Add("BPMCSRF", CsrfToken);

dataRequest.Headers.Set("ForceUseSession", "true");

Thanks for sharing it.


Eric Garcia de ...,

The code provided above works correctly with the sessions. 

I've heard that "ForceUseSession" should be specified but i'm not sure if it actually affects something. Anyway, it doesn't make worse so I agree that it's better to use it. 

Additionally, any time when you create an integration, I recommend attaching fiddler and making sure that the BPMSESSIONID and the cookies are the same.

Correct, thanks a lot Eugene!

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