The C# OData integration example with correct BPMSESSIONID, CSRF and Cookies
01:03 Feb 07, 2019
You'll need to adjust it to your needs, but it shows the main idea.
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Linq; using System.Drawing; using System.Net.Http; namespace ODataFileTransfer { class ODataFileTransfer { private const string serverUri = ""; private const string authServiceUri = ""; private const string userName = "Supervisor"; private const string userPassword = "Supervisor"; private static readonly XNamespace ds = ""; private static readonly XNamespace dsmd = ""; private static readonly XNamespace atom = ""; public static CookieContainer AuthCookie = new CookieContainer(); private static string CsrfToken = ""; private static int LoginAttempts = 0; static void Main(string[] args) { GetOdataCollectionByAuthByHttpExample(); } static void TryLogin() { var authRequest = HttpWebRequest.Create(authServiceUri) as HttpWebRequest; authRequest.Method = "POST"; authRequest.ContentType = "application/json"; authRequest.CookieContainer = AuthCookie; using (var requestStream = authRequest.GetRequestStream()) { using (var writer = new StreamWriter(requestStream)) { writer.Write(@"{ ""UserName"":""" + userName + @""", ""UserPassword"":""" + userPassword + @""", ""SolutionName"":""TSBpm"", ""TimeZoneOffset"":-120, ""Language"":""En-us"" }"); } } using (var response = (HttpWebResponse)authRequest.GetResponse()) { CookieCollection cookieCollection = AuthCookie.GetCookies(new Uri(authServiceUri)); CsrfToken = cookieCollection["BPMCSRF"].Value; } } static HttpWebResponse SendRequest(string requestURIstring, string method = "GET", XElement entry = null) { var dataRequest = HttpWebRequest.Create(requestURIstring) as HttpWebRequest; dataRequest.Method = method; dataRequest.CookieContainer = AuthCookie; dataRequest.Accept = "application/atom+xml"; dataRequest.ContentType = "application/atom+xml;type=entry"; dataRequest.Headers.Add("BPMCSRF", CsrfToken); if (entry!= null) { using (var writer = XmlWriter.Create(dataRequest.GetRequestStream())) { entry.WriteTo(writer); } } try { var dataResponse = (HttpWebResponse)dataRequest.GetResponse(); LoginAttempts = 0; return dataResponse; } catch (WebException ex) { var webResponse = (HttpWebResponse)ex.Response; if (webResponse != null && webResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) { TryLogin(); if(LoginAttempts < 3) { LoginAttempts += 1; SendRequest(requestURIstring); } else { //here can be some handler or logger } } } return null; } public static void GetOdataCollectionByAuthByHttpExample() { var uri = serverUri + "ContactCollection?select=Id, Name"; using (var dataResponse = SendRequest(uri)) { if (dataResponse != null) { XDocument xmlDoc = XDocument.Load(dataResponse.GetResponseStream()); ProcessCollection(xmlDoc); } } using (var dataResponse = SendRequest(uri)) { if (dataResponse != null) { XDocument xmlDoc = XDocument.Load(dataResponse.GetResponseStream()); ProcessCollection(xmlDoc); } } var content = new XElement(dsmd + "properties", new XElement(ds + "Name", "Jhon Gilts"), new XElement(ds + "Dear", "Jhon")); var entry = new XElement(atom + "entry", new XElement(atom + "content", new XAttribute("type", "application/xml"), content)); var uriForPost = serverUri + "ContactCollection/"; using (var dataResponse = SendRequest(uriForPost, "POST", entry)) { if (dataResponse != null) { XDocument xmlDoc = XDocument.Load(dataResponse.GetResponseStream()); } } } public static void ProcessCollection(XDocument xmlDoc) { var contacts = from entry in xmlDoc.Descendants(atom + "entry") select new { Id = new Guid(entry.Element(atom + "content") .Element(dsmd + "properties") .Element(ds + "Id").Value), Name = entry.Element(atom + "content") .Element(dsmd + "properties") .Element(ds + "Name").Value }; foreach (var contact in contacts) { // Implementing actions with contacts. } } } }