Here are the new features included in bpm’online studio free:
We have implemented the BPMN 2.0 rule that disables adding incoming flows to start events. When an event type changes to a “start” event, all the incoming flows are deleted automatically.
The BPMN 2.0 rule that enables using only the default flows with start and intermediate events has also been added.
We have implemented automatic breaking of a flow when you paste a new element on it. To paste a new element, just place it somewhere on the flow arrow.
- We have added a new element — an expanded event sub-process. The application supports the primary rules of the BPMN 2.0 notation, for example:
- the start event of such a sub-process cannot be blank;
- you cannot set up another event sub-process inside of an event sub-process;
- if you place a non-interrupting start event outside the event sub-process area, such start event will interrupt the process.
- When you need to paste a set of copied elements or groups of elements, you can now preview how they will look in a diagram.
- We have improved the connection of elements with sequence flows in cases when you, e.g., change the pool dimensions or use the Ctrl+Z key combination.
- The processes created in other applications and imported into Creatio free from the *.bpmn files now open faster.
- The process diagrams with many elements can also open faster.