As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance the integrity and fairness of the Creatio Marketplace, we are implementing several updates to our review system. Historically, user feedback was submitted privately and influenced app ratings, although it was shared only with developers. Moving forward, to align with new regulations and ensure the authenticity of our reviews, this process will evolve into a more transparent and interactive system.


Starting in May 2024, we will require verification of users who are currently using the app or have used it within the past twelve months before they can submit reviews. This new system is designed to improve review visibility and enable direct interaction opportunities for developers, thereby enhancing transparency and building trust within our marketplace.

Key Changes:
  • Public Accessibility: All reviews will now be publicly accessible on the listing page, encouraging a robust exchange of insights and experiences.
  • Review Guidelines Update: Compliance with our updated guidelines will be necessary for review visibility.
  • Ratings: Only ratings from verified users will contribute to the app's overall rating, providing a more accurate reflection of recent user experiences and feedback.


We believe these changes will provide a fresh start and create a more equitable environment for both users and developers. For more details, please refer to our updated developer guidelines.

Engage Your Users:

We encourage you to actively invite your subscribers to rate and review your app when appropriate. This engagement is vital for increasing your app's visibility and obtaining valuable feedback.


We appreciate your cooperation and are excited about the positive impact these changes will bring. Should you have any questions or need assistance, please contact us at

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Dear Community,

We would like to inform you of significant updates in the development policies for Marketplace apps. These changes are part of our continuous efforts to enhance user experience and ensure a cohesive ecosystem across our platform.

Introduction of Freedom UI Requirements

Effective May 1, 2024, we are introducing a mandatory requirement for all new Marketplace apps to adopt the Freedom UI. Apps may still include a Classic UI for backward compatibility purposes. Learn more: Requirements for Freedom UI.

For partners who have started development with the Classic UI and wish to maintain the right to publish without incorporating Freedom UI, we encourage you to contact us directly.

Enhanced App Metadata Standards

Beginning April 1, 2024, we are setting new standards for app metadata. It is now required for all marketplace applications to include detailed metadata, specifically the 'Version' and 'Maintainer' properties.

For further details, please refer to our guidelines on Requirements for Metadata.

Package Requirements Update

Also starting from April 1, 2024, there will be an update to the package requirements. The ‘Maintainer’ package property must now reflect the Maintainer information as per the Public profile.

For a comprehensive understanding, please review Requirements for Packages.

We recognize that these updates may necessitate adjustments on your part. Our goal is to ensure a smooth transition and to provide ample preparation time for our valued partners. We encourage you to begin adapting your applications to comply with the new requirements at your earliest convenience.

We greatly value your partnership and contributions. These updates aim to enhance our Marketplace ecosystem, and we're here to support you through this transition. For questions or assistance, please contact us at

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We are excited to introduce the Creatio Marketplace Console, a powerful and streamlined tool designed to enhance your experience in managing your Marketplace listings.

The Creatio Marketplace Console, now an integral part of the Success Portal, has been created with one main objective in mind - to offer you a more convenient and efficient way to manage the entire lifecycle of your Marketplace listings.

In the next few weeks, we will be seamlessly transitioning all applications. You can expect to receive a separate email notification providing you with all the necessary details about this transition.

For comprehensive guidelines on publishing and updating listings in the new Marketplace console, please refer to the article on Academy. If you encounter any questions or issues along the way, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at

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It's a good news. The new Marketplace console is really very convenient and functional.

This new addition is very nice. Also, I am glad to see it using Freedom UI (Creatio using it for production tasks will end up with it being better experience for all of us 🙂)

When when the Success portal switch to using the Freedom shell? There's currently some big gaps with using the Freedom shell for portals - I'd love to see Creatio using it for the Success portal since I assume those gaps would get addressed sooner!


Lytvynchuk Vladyslav,

Thank you for your positive feedback!

Ryan Farley,

We appreciate your feedback🙂

We're actively working to speed up the transition process to the Freedom UI shell.

The new marketplace console is very well done and really shows off Freedom UI's capabilities. It was a fantastic experience using it to submit an update to one of my marketplace add-ons. Please give my props to the team involved for a job very well done.

It would be great to take Freedom UI areas such as this to do a case study and review the working parts and how it was put together. 


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We have some important updates to share with you regarding the new exciting developments at Creatio. 

New composable apps: 

We are releasing two new composable apps: Customer 360° and Case Management

As part of our commitment to continuous improvement, we have replaced similar functionality in the Classic UI with the new Freedom UI. This change will be implemented for new Creatio installations within the next three months, affecting new customers who will no longer receive this functionality in the Classic UI. 

To ensure a seamless transition and ongoing compatibility, we highly recommend that you configure your Marketplace apps to be compatible with the Freedom UI. Detailed instructions can be found in our latest article titled Configure the Marketplace App for Composable Architecture Compatibility

We strongly urge you to review this article and implement the necessary changes to your app as soon as possible. By doing so, you will guarantee uninterrupted compatibility with Creatio and fully leverage the benefits of the new composable architecture and Freedom UI. 

Discover Creatio's New Composable Pricing Model for Marketplace! 

After carefully considering feedback from our partners, we are pleased to announce that we have made improvements to our composable pricing model, making it more transparent and user-friendly. 

As part of the update, we have included the Basic Support package as part of Creatio's product subscription. We have also extended this change to our Marketplace Partner Program, ensuring that all paid applications published on Creatio Marketplace include the Basic Support Package in their price. The new pricing conditions are effective starting July 20, 2023. 

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our Marketplace Team. 

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We are writing to inform you about important compatibility updates in the upcoming releases of Creatio. These updates require your attention as they involve making necessary adjustments to your apps to maintain compatibility with the platform.

Composable Architecture Compatibility

We are pleased to announce that the new composable package architecture is now available for Creatio. To ensure your app operates seamlessly after the transition to the composable architecture, we have prepared a detailed article titled Configure the Marketplace app for composable architecture compatibility. This article provides step-by-step instructions on how to configure your Marketplace app accordingly.

We strongly recommend reviewing this article and implementing the necessary changes to your app as soon as possible.

By doing so, you can ensure uninterrupted compatibility with Creatio and take full advantage of the new composable architecture.

.NET 6 Platfrom Compatibility

In the upcoming Creatio version 8.0.9, support for .NET Core 3.1 will be retired. To maintain compatibility with future Creatio releases, we recommend migrating your Marketplace apps from .NET Core 3.1 to .NET 6 when updating to version 8.0.9.

Please note that the updates regarding .NET 6 platform compatibility apply only to those partners who have previously supported .NET Core 3.1 and deployed their Marketplace apps on Linux.

To learn more about the migration process, we have provided the following articles:

   Move Creatio .NET Core 3.1 to .NET 6;

   Framework compatibility;

   .NET 6 server.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

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We are pleased to announce the new Marketplace feature – App demo version.

A demo version of an app is a set of packages that contains sample data and pre‑configured functionality designed to give users a preview of how the Marketplace app operates.

With the app demo version available, less time is required to prepare a presentation for customers and prospect, and a higher level of user satisfaction is ensured.

We highly recommend adding the demo version for apps that have a complex setup or contain a large object model with multiple sections.

Find out how to create a demo version of your application in this article: Demo version of the Marketplace app.

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Hi everyone!

The month has just begun, and we already have +1 published solution on the Marketplace - Twilio SMS Pro integration for Creatio.

The connector adds the ability to send and receive individual messages and also send mass mailings to a group of contacts. Some key features:

  • Possibility to manage messaging statuses and receive graphic statistics on sent & received messages.

  • The recipient can follow the link in the SMS or provide feedback;

  • Possibility configure the business process to send an SMS after any activity in the Creatio system;

  • Ability to set a timer for sending SMS and much more!

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