Marketplace updates: Composable architecture and .NET 6 platform compatibility

We are writing to inform you about important compatibility updates in the upcoming releases of Creatio. These updates require your attention as they involve making necessary adjustments to your apps to maintain compatibility with the platform.

Composable Architecture Compatibility

We are pleased to announce that the new composable package architecture is now available for Creatio. To ensure your app operates seamlessly after the transition to the composable architecture, we have prepared a detailed article titled Configure the Marketplace app for composable architecture compatibility. This article provides step-by-step instructions on how to configure your Marketplace app accordingly.

We strongly recommend reviewing this article and implementing the necessary changes to your app as soon as possible.

By doing so, you can ensure uninterrupted compatibility with Creatio and take full advantage of the new composable architecture.

.NET 6 Platfrom Compatibility

In the upcoming Creatio version 8.0.9, support for .NET Core 3.1 will be retired. To maintain compatibility with future Creatio releases, we recommend migrating your Marketplace apps from .NET Core 3.1 to .NET 6 when updating to version 8.0.9.

Please note that the updates regarding .NET 6 platform compatibility apply only to those partners who have previously supported .NET Core 3.1 and deployed their Marketplace apps on Linux.

To learn more about the migration process, we have provided the following articles:

   Move Creatio .NET Core 3.1 to .NET 6;

   Framework compatibility;

   .NET 6 server.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

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