Marketplace updates: Release of Creatio Marketplace Console

We are excited to introduce the Creatio Marketplace Console, a powerful and streamlined tool designed to enhance your experience in managing your Marketplace listings.

The Creatio Marketplace Console, now an integral part of the Success Portal, has been created with one main objective in mind - to offer you a more convenient and efficient way to manage the entire lifecycle of your Marketplace listings.

In the next few weeks, we will be seamlessly transitioning all applications. You can expect to receive a separate email notification providing you with all the necessary details about this transition.

For comprehensive guidelines on publishing and updating listings in the new Marketplace console, please refer to the article on Academy. If you encounter any questions or issues along the way, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at

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It's a good news. The new Marketplace console is really very convenient and functional.

This new addition is very nice. Also, I am glad to see it using Freedom UI (Creatio using it for production tasks will end up with it being better experience for all of us 🙂)

When when the Success portal switch to using the Freedom shell? There's currently some big gaps with using the Freedom shell for portals - I'd love to see Creatio using it for the Success portal since I assume those gaps would get addressed sooner!


Lytvynchuk Vladyslav,

Thank you for your positive feedback!

Ryan Farley,

We appreciate your feedback🙂

We're actively working to speed up the transition process to the Freedom UI shell.

The new marketplace console is very well done and really shows off Freedom UI's capabilities. It was a fantastic experience using it to submit an update to one of my marketplace add-ons. Please give my props to the team involved for a job very well done.

It would be great to take Freedom UI areas such as this to do a case study and review the working parts and how it was put together. 


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