Ensure Compatibility of Your Apps with the New Composable Architecture

We have some important updates to share with you regarding the new exciting developments at Creatio. 

New composable apps: 

We are releasing two new composable apps: Customer 360° and Case Management

As part of our commitment to continuous improvement, we have replaced similar functionality in the Classic UI with the new Freedom UI. This change will be implemented for new Creatio installations within the next three months, affecting new customers who will no longer receive this functionality in the Classic UI. 

To ensure a seamless transition and ongoing compatibility, we highly recommend that you configure your Marketplace apps to be compatible with the Freedom UI. Detailed instructions can be found in our latest article titled Configure the Marketplace App for Composable Architecture Compatibility

We strongly urge you to review this article and implement the necessary changes to your app as soon as possible. By doing so, you will guarantee uninterrupted compatibility with Creatio and fully leverage the benefits of the new composable architecture and Freedom UI. 

Discover Creatio's New Composable Pricing Model for Marketplace! 

After carefully considering feedback from our partners, we are pleased to announce that we have made improvements to our composable pricing model, making it more transparent and user-friendly. 

As part of the update, we have included the Basic Support package as part of Creatio's product subscription. We have also extended this change to our Marketplace Partner Program, ensuring that all paid applications published on Creatio Marketplace include the Basic Support Package in their price. The new pricing conditions are effective starting July 20, 2023. 

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our Marketplace Team. 

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