New Clio release version allows clone packages from one Creatio environment to another. 


clio clone-env --source Dev --target QA --working-directory [OPTIONAL PATH TO STORE]


The command creates a manifest from the source and target, calculates the difference between them, downloads the changed package from the source environment to the working directory (optional parameter), and installs it in the source environment.


Hi, it downloads and installs both from and to source environment or one of those two should be a target ?

Do you have a video to show how it works ?

Thanks :)

This is excellent. As Damien mentioned, a video of this and other clio functionality, or even some additional details of the commands, would be fantastic.

Clio has grown to have so much functionality and commands that it's sometimes hard to fully understand what many actually do. A more complete description of what they do specifically, such as this command does X, Y, then Z etc, would be very helpful (not referring to "clone-env" specifically, but just in general). I avoid using some of the commands since I don't fully understand the specifics of what they are actually doing. 

I know this is open source, so I don't want to lump in any additional work, but even just a more complete or detailed description of the commands on github would be helpful. I'd be happy to contribute, even with creating documentation and videos, but that's difficult when many commands aren't completely clear and understanding the specifics require digging through the source and often cliogate as well, which adds a lot of time and sometimes guessing. 

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Git] GitFlow, usar ou não usar? – Código Maromba

Clio release version provides the ability to customization your app-hubs with a branch-oriented strategy. Now you can define the following structure


To define a branch use the following arguments


clio publish-app --app-name Application_1 --branch master --app-version 1.0.4 --app-hub ./builds --repo-path .


Also, support branching was added to the apply-manifest command and you can specify the branch name in the yaml file\



NOTICE: If you use a naming convention requires a zip file name to be different than app code, then use aliases in manifest file


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Clio version provides new functions to find differences in system settings, features, and packages across two Creatio instances


clio show-diff --source ENV1 --target ENV2


to save the result to a file specify the file option as follows


clio show-diff --source ENV1 --target ENV2 --file "C:\manifests\diff-env1-env2.yaml"


P/S: This command finds all data from source source which not presented or has different values on the target environment


Great Idea!

Can it also find differences in Features?

Vladimir Sokolov,

Features are already part of the diff

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Clio version was released. Now, you can add packages to the workspace with auto generate composable application descriptors.


// Init clio workspace
clio createw
// Add package to workspace
clio add-package MyApp -a True


If you have one application in the workspace, new packages will automatically be included in it.


// Init clio workspace
clio createw
// Add package and app metadata to the workspace
clio add-package MyApp -a True
// Add a package to the workspace and include it in MyApp
clio add-package MyPackage


This command can be used to add several applications to one workspace.


// Init clio workspace
clio createw
// Add first app to workspace
clio add-package MyApp1 -a True
// Add the second app to the workspace
clio add-package MyApp2 -a True


P.S: Error of work with temp directories in multiple Clio instances at one time was fixed

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Clio release provides a command to create a state manifest for the Creatio instance and store the configuration of web services and feature states.


clio save-state "D:\manifest\myinstance-creatio-manifest.yaml" -e MyInstance


Storing this file in Git can be used to control instance changes. In future releases, the manifest file will store sys-settings values, applications, and packages, and it will also clone environment settings to clean Creatio instances.


P.S: Also the ability to work with HotFix mode was added to Clio commands. To enable/disable it use the following command


# To enable hot-fix mode for a package  
clio pkg-hotfix <PACKAGE_NAME> true -e <ENVIRONMENT_NAME> 
# To disable hot-fix mode for a package 
clio pkg-hotfix <PACKAGE_NAME> false -e <ENVIRONMENT_NAME> 


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Clio release extends the ability to configuare your Creatio environments in a GitOps manner. Now, you can configure the URL address of WebServices in the manifest file.

  - name: GoogleAnalytics
    url: ""
  - name: FaceBookAPI
    url: ""
# list of applications
# list of application stores
# list of sys-settings and value
# list of features

Also, we extend the Clio commands and add abilities to see all web services, and their addresses

clio get-webservice-url -e <environment-name>

Improvements: From release, you can set the working directory for Clio via the Environment variable CLIO_WORKING_DIRECTORY. 

<your workplace>/tasks/set-clio-working-directory "c:\Temp\ClioWorkDir"

It helps avoid problems with CI\CD pipelines when you can't access default temp directories.


COMING SOON: In the next release, a "save-configuration-to-manifest" command will be released

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Clio version allows managing system settings on the Creatio instances via a manifest file. Text, Boolean, Integer, Date Time, and Lookup value (by Guid or Display value) are supported

Add section setting to the manifest file.

  url: ************************
  authappurl: *****************
  - code: "SETTINGS CODE 1"
    value: false
  - code: "SETTINGS CODE 2"
    value: 10
  - code: "SETTINGS CODE 2"
    value: "My_Text"
 # list of installed apps
  # list of installed apps
 # connected app hubs
To apply manifest to your environment, use the following command.
clio apply-manifest C:\my-configuration.yam -l user-p pwd

Clio explorer version 2.0.61 provides two experimental features for discovering and comparing feature states between two environments.


P.S. Managing  WebServiveUrls via manifest and Comparing two configurations that are coming soon. Clio command set-settings also was improved, and  you can avoid setup Type of sys-settings in an update scenario and set the Lookup value via display value 


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Clio version allows managing features on the Creatio instances via a manifest file.

Add section features to the manifest file

  url: ************************
  authappurl: *****************
  - code: "FEATURE CODE 1"
    value: false
      "User1": true
      "Role 1": true
      "User2": false
  - code: "FEATURE CODE 2"
    value: false
  # list of installed apps
 # connected app hubs

Allowed to set a default value for all users or specify it for each user/role,

To apply manifest to your environment, use the following command.

clio apply-manifest C:\my-configuration.yam -l user-p pwd

P.S Managing SysSettings and WebServiveUrls via manifest coming soon

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Hello everyone! We are glad to share with you that Clio released version, which started to control the change management process for Creatio users.

Now you can store the configuration for Creatio environment in the yaml file

  - name: CrtCustomer360
    version: "1.0.1"
    apphub: MyAppHub
  - name: CrtCaseManagment
    version: "1.0.2"
    apphub: MyAppHub
  - name: MrktAppollo
    version: "1.0.2"
  - name: MyAppHub
    path: "//file.shareserver/MyAppHub"

This configuration file describes the desired states for the Creatio environment. Clio will compare the current and desired states and apply necessary changes (install/update applications from local AppHub, remove applications). You can register your several AppHubs in one configuration file.

To apply changes to the environment, use the following command

clio apply-manifest C:\my-configuration.yam -l user-p pwd

This approach implements best practices for managing and change logging.

In next releases will be added support for configuration:

  - sestem settings

  - feature states

  - web service base urls

  - packages

P.S:  Clio provides commands for versioning and publishing your composable applications to AppHub.

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Clio release version provides new features for setting versions to Composable applications in CI\CD pipelines. 

Feature compatible with clio workspace code structure:

clio set-app-version [WORKSPACE_FOLDER_NAME] -v 1.0.1

Also, this command can be used for the single package with application description in cases when not used clio workspace structure

clio set-app-version -f [PACKAGE_FOLDER_PATH] -v 1.0.2

P.S: This feature and publish-app command fully cover all cases for versioning artifacts of composable applications. 

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