Clio release provides features to facilitate application management.

Get list of installed applications

clio get-app-list -e ENV_NAME # or clio apps -e ENV_NAME

We used ATF.Repository and Remote Data provider in Clio for easy way for data integration between Creatio and 3rd party systems.

Download application from environment


Deploy application from one environment to another without ALM portal connectivity


P/S: from version 2.0.53 clio explorer support UI command for set default environment

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In the new release of Clio version, support for working with composable applications has been expanded. We have added an option to uninstall an application.

clio uninstall-app-remote APP_NAME|APP_CODE
// or
clio uninstall-app-remote APP_NAME|APP_CODE

To simplify working with NuGet packages during the development, a function switch nuget to dll reference has been added. It neccesary for work in Creatio deployments without internet access. (*update clioapi required)

clio nuget2dll <package_name>

Clio workplace is now include  Jenkins sample filee with a typical pipeline.

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Clio explorer version 2.0.52+ provides editing feature for package file content 

*update clio api required

clio install-gate -e ENVIRONMENT_NAME

Also in this release clio  and clio explorer 2.0.52+ provide functionality of compiling a package

clio compile-package MyPackage -e MyEnvironment

Also, you can create clio workspace in a folder with empty git repository

git clone
clio createw




Clio explorer 2.0.50 supports preview of package file content. This feature requires clio version and higher, update clio api (cliogate) is required.



P/S: clio version supported full interaction process with composable applications (like Application Hub) via new command

clio push-app



This is fantastic. Well done ATF!


Ryan Farley,


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New release Clio provide support backend unit tests for Creatio package:

  • Create unit test project
  • Auto add package reference
  • Support run unit tests without Creatio environment for fast CI\CD pipelines

for details see article. Feature is a part of clio workspace and supported by clio explorer.


P.S: In this release also contains functionality of saving live logging into file and provide experimental functionality deactivate package for Creatio 8.1.1+

clio deactivate-package PACKAGE_NAME -e ENVIRONMENT_NAME

Would love to see some tutorial videos, of have a training on how to maximise the use of Creatio - you guys are doing a lot of great updates recently 🙂

We already provided some video on youtube channel and this link already include in clio explorer and in future this will be grow


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For monitoring Creatio and debugging your code, Clio and Clio explorer provide Love Logging functionality. You can search and select the logger type to specify the concrete logs producer.

P.S: The latest update of Clio and Clio explorer 2.0.49 provides extended functionality for quick locking and unlocking packages*

* update cliogate are required

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Hi Team,


Have a query regarding widget we design in the dashboard can be read filter from the dashboard to modify our output on the widget.

If it is possible please share a scenario with implementation 

This will be really useful to meet some business requirement 


Thank You in Advance 

Like 1



Hello Braj,


Unfortunately, I was not able to find an example you requested but you can always check all the needed parameters in the Academy Article that is related to Dashboard widgets and their customizations.


Best regards,

Bogdan S.

Hi Bogdan,


we need to calculate the loss ratio from some data sets 


ex. we have 100 records out of which 70 has profit field filled and 30 has loss field filled.

Based on filtration we performed on the dashboard/pivot report we get  records (N can be  10,20,30 or any number 


Now I want a loss ratio (loss/profit) of those N records only.


in this case loss ratio = sum of loss from filtered records /sum of profits from filtered records.


Hope you got the requirement if case any query please contact me.


Thank You

Braj Raj singh Kushwaha,


Your business task is quite clear but still, there is no existing example of code that you can use. Please, check the article that I sent before and do all the required development.


Best regards,

Bogdan S.

Bogdan Spasibov,

Thank You so much 


your article was very useful It helped me to do some other requirement.

Even fund some app that was free to use and my task was completed using them.


Once again thank you so much

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Hi Team


I need to perform some calculations based on data in the dashboard we did some implementation in the pivot table. we are able to get sum 2 fields based on all filter but further using that calculation to display the ratio of that 2 calculation is where I am stuck.


I am using…

To come up with some approach but didn't succeed anyone please suggest a solution to this requirement

Any workaround will be appreciated



Thank You 


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Hello Braj,


Can you please provide more information on what task do you want to cover? We need some practical examples to think about the solution.


Also have you tried to use this marketplace addon and does it fit your business task?


Best regards,


Hi Oscar ,


we need to calculate loss ratio from some data sets 


ex. we have 100 records out of which 70 has profit field filled and 30 has loss field filled .

Based on filtration we performed on dashboard/pivot report we gets  records (N can be  10,20,30 or any number 


Now I want an loss ratio (loss/profit) of those N records only .

innthis case loss ratio = sum of loss from filtered records /sum of profits from filtered records


Hope you got the requirement if case any query please contact.


Thank You

Braj Raj singh Kushwaha,




Unfortunately it's not quite clear what task do you want to achieve. Can you please add some screenshots of what is the desired result? Also can you please specify why the formula column type is not an option in our case?


Thank you in advance!


Best regards,


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Hi Team,

I used the above article to get access to communication panel schema and made changes to 


diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[


                    "operation": "insert",

                    "name": "communicationPanelAll",

                    "propertyName": "items",

                    "values": {

                        "id": "communicationPanelAll",

                        "selectors": {"wrapEl": "#communicationPanelAll"},

                        "itemType": Terrasoft.ViewItemType.CONTAINER,

                        "wrapClass": ["all"],

                        "items": [],

                        "tips": [],

                        "markerValue": {"bindTo": "CommunicationPanelMarkerValue"}




used  "operation": "remove" instead of  "operation": "insert",


Was able to hide the communication panel but when tried to revert back changes unable to do so 

Some please suggest a way to revert back changes or hide this communication panel in an easy way so reverting changes is easy 



Thank You


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Dear Braj,


If removing the code does not restore the panel try to clear your profile data by going into the profile and choosing the "Restore default settings" option. 


Best regards,


Angela Reyes,

 Thank You for this info but as i tried it on my local instance and my client asked us to hide the communication panel so please suggest any work around to do and an easy way to restore it


Braj Raj singh Kushwaha,

It is now not clear what your task is. The panel must be hidden forever or on specific conditions?

Angela Reyes,

The panel should be hidden forever.

In case we need it again then we should be able to make it visible as it was before.


And by using the above article I was able to hide it but when I tried to make it visible it was still hidden


Braj Raj singh Kushwaha,

Can you send here the code you used to make it visible? 

Angela Reyes,

diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[


                    "operation": "remove",

                    "name": "communicationPanelAll",

                    "propertyName": "items",

                    "values": {

                        "id": "communicationPanelAll",

                        "selectors": {"wrapEl": "#communicationPanelAll"},

                        "itemType": Terrasoft.ViewItemType.CONTAINER,

                        "wrapClass": ["all"],

                        "items": [],

                        "tips": [],

                        "markerValue": {"bindTo": "CommunicationPanelMarkerValue"}



Above code to hide


This code to unhide it or make it visible


diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[


                    "operation": "insert",

                    "name": "communicationPanelAll",

                    "propertyName": "items",

                    "values": {

                        "id": "communicationPanelAll",

                        "selectors": {"wrapEl": "#communicationPanelAll"},

                        "itemType": Terrasoft.ViewItemType.CONTAINER,

                        "wrapClass": ["all"],

                        "items": [],

                        "tips": [],

                        "markerValue": {"bindTo": "CommunicationPanelMarkerValue"}





Just made changes to this part only


Braj Raj singh Kushwaha,

There is an easier way to hide the CTI panel. Please create a replacing view model for "Communication panel schema":

with the medhod like this one:

init: function() {
					return false;

As a result once the changes are saved and the page is refreshed the communication panel won't be initialized:

To restore the panel please remove all your customizations related to CommunicationPanel and add them according to my instruction.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Hi Oscar,


As I tried your approach it is working fine thank you very much 

But to restore the panel I removed all customization and refreshed the whole site, Restored the default setting from the user profile still panel was not restored.


Please let me know how to restore it.


Thank You


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Hi Team,


I added a custom date filter to the base schema so that the changes will be reflected in all sections.

Able to see the functionality but it takes minutes to reflect results.

This is the link I followed to apply the Date Filter and I made changes to the base section schema so changes must be visible in all sections all at once.

The filter is visible in all sections but functionality is really slow as it takes minutes to reflect the result.


Please help to optimize this solution or any other workaround to make it work faster.


Thank You


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You need to take a look at the SELECT query that is sent to the database when specifying a filter using this custom filtration by dates and see the SELECT query text. Try adding indexes (see the "Adding indexes to the object" paragraph) for the StartDate column and also for other columns that are used in the ESQ:

Also try parsing queries themeselves using SQL-server profiler and add indexes to the columns that are mentioned in the WHERE and OrderBy clauses. Indexes should help in optimizing SQL-queries (since the problem is definitely in them).


Best regards,


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