Hi everyone!


I'm a brand-new developer in Creatio. I've installed the app on my local IIS, and it works fine. Now, I'd like to start debugging/developing in Visual Studio, but I haven't been able to find any useful documentation. Could someone explain the steps in simple terms? Thanks!

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Development tools | Creatio Academy

External IDEs | Creatio Academy

Back-end debugging | Creatio Academy

I'd be interested to know what instructions you followed to install the app.

Gareth Osler,

Thanks for links! 

I followed this :

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I am facing issues with the console flooded with the web-socket errors.

I don't know which element is bugging it.

Because of this sometimes I have to hard reload (empty cache) 3 to 5 times to do my configurations of view any record after some changes in section wizard or in any object.

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Best reply

This is due to the telephony integration being turned on by default in new systems, but not set up to connect to a phone system. To get rid of all that chatter in the console, go into your profile (by clicking the person icon in the top right corner, then select "Your profile". Once there, click the "Call center parameters setup" button and check the box to "Disable phone integration". Once you log out and back in again, all of that chatter and WebSocket errors in the console will be gone.


This is due to the telephony integration being turned on by default in new systems, but not set up to connect to a phone system. To get rid of all that chatter in the console, go into your profile (by clicking the person icon in the top right corner, then select "Your profile". Once there, click the "Call center parameters setup" button and check the box to "Disable phone integration". Once you log out and back in again, all of that chatter and WebSocket errors in the console will be gone.


Hey Ryan,

It worked.

Thanks for the help.

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Hi Community,

Recently we used BPM Online 7.13, now when I try to debug (client debugging) using Chrome developer tools, I cant find any script lets say for example AccountPageV2.js the only thing listed on sources are css and image files. But compared to BPM Online 7.12, I can see all the scripts(most especially edit pages) when the form is open. Is there any configuration that needs to be turned on?

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Dear Fulgen, 

The reason you can't see these scripts is because bundling is turned on, it accelerates the system performance but makes it harder to debug. To turn it off you may send a letter to the support team of bpm online.

Best regards,


Hello Fulgen,

This is new in 7.13. You can turn on debug mode for the client and then you'll see the separate scripts instead of just the combined minified file. To turn on debug mode execute the following in the browser console: 

Terrasoft.SysSettings.postPersonalSysSettingsValue("IsDebug", true)

Refresh your browser and then you'll see the separate script files to debug. When you're done, be sure to turn debug mode back off again with the following:

Terrasoft.SysSettings.postPersonalSysSettingsValue("IsDebug", false)


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