

I keep getting this error when I try to sync my email address in bpmonline.

The email works fine mostly and all of a sudden it stops receiving emails. Then we have to go in the email settings to refresh them and then it starts working again.



P.S. I am not the owner of the email. The email address has been setup as support email.

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There are only two variants why could this issue occur: the first one is that it was deleted manually from your instance with the help of SQL-query. And the second one is that your email provider was temporarily unavailable. There is a period for all mailboxes for sending requests to the email server connected. If the application won't get an answer from the email server for 3 times the trigger that is responsible for automatic synchronization deletes. To add the trigger again you can disable automatic synchronization, save settings and enable it again. 

To prevent this issue from happening in future please check your mail server.

Best regards,


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Hi, community.

I have a quick question about the change log... If I try to enter the change log I get the following screen:


Currently, this product has only sales team licenses distributed... Must we have an enterprise level license to access this section?


Thank you!

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Dear Juan,

No licenses are required for this functionality however you need to set it up first https://prnt.sc/nigqfu Here is the example - https://prnt.sc/nigsc2 Here you can see that I've added the account object and chose the Name column that will be logged for any changes. Once the object and columns are added, refresh the page, go to the record and modify it. As the result you will be able to see the changes https://prnt.sc/nigsg0 

More details are here https://academy.bpmonline.com/documents/administration/7-13/setup-log-action-change-log-section

Best regards,



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  1. Get the Usr code of the edit page that the field is on.
    1. Open a record in the section to the edit page that you want to update. The link will appear in the format https:// /0/Nui/ViewModule.aspx#CardModuleV2//edit/
  2. Open dev: https:///0/dev
  3. Search for the Usr code of the edit page by Title.
  4. Double click on the page object to open the Schema.
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I have set up the SLA but I am struggling to setup the resolution times of the cases registered based on the priorities in the SLA.


Could someone please guide me how to do it or redirect it to where I can find it?

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Dear Aaykay,

Here is the chain of articles that explain how to set up case resolution time calculation. https://academy.bpmonline.com/documents/service-enterprise/7-13/how-calculate-response-and-resolution-time-0

Best regards,


Hi Dean,

I tried that but it still doesn't work. I did the settings as mentioned in the articles but the resolution and response times are not changing when I change the priority of the case

Dear Aaykay,

There are multiple settings required for this feature. If the time is still not calculated, then most likely some of the settings are still required. Could you please make sure that you've set up the lookup 'Case deadline calculation schemas' accordingly since its setup is commonly forgotten. In case it cannot help and you've followed all the steps from the guide, we would need to look through your system settings on our end to make sure there are no any other issues in the application. Therefore, please approach our support team via support@bpmonline.com for further help since we will not be able to investigate the issue on the community properly. 

Best regards,


Dean Parrett,

 I've reached out to support. Thanks :)

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I wanted to make a query regarding the Command-line that comes by default in BPM'ONLINE. What happens is that I would like to know if it is possible or is there some form and / or code that allows me to show the Command-line in the profile of the portal users?


I found this tutorial that shows how the Command-line works but not how to make the portal user see it.


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Unfortunately now there is no good way to transfer the command line on a portal. It would be basically equal to implementing new command line. RnD team already working on adding command line for portal users in future versions, there is no ETA for this yet. 

Best regards, 


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I have a function in the Quote page that overrides generatePrintForm() from PrintReportUtilities (to automatically save the record prior to printing).  The overridden function only fires under certain circumstances; I've used console logging to confirm that it isn't called at all in others.  As best I can tell, this matches up to the difference between this mode (green button), when the record is opened from a link in another record or the page is refreshed after being opened from the section list:

And this mode (blue button), when the record is opened directly from the section list and not refreshed:

In the first mode, the function is called properly upon attempting to print; in the second, it isn't called at all.  What exactly is the difference between these two modes, and is there a way to tell from the backend?  (Or alternately, any way to ensure the record is always opened in the first mode?)

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Dear Darian,

You are correct regarding two different modes. There are two modes for the card: combined mode (blue save button) and add new record mode (green button save).

The main and most noticeable difference is top panel, where buttons and actions are. When you open a record from section, the page is working withing combined more, which means, that all buttons and actions are taken from section schema. Such mode enables you to unfold left panel and browse through other records from the section. 

If you follow a direct link to a record from other section, or refresh the page (F5) the record with be opened via add new record mode. This follows, that buttons and actions will be taken from the page schema.

Based on your description, I can suppose, that you have added overriden generatePrintForm() function to the page schema (lets say ContactPageV2). Therefore, the functionality works when opening direct link to the record, or page refresh.

In order for the functionality to work in combined mode, please add the logic to the section schema as well (e.g. ContactSectionV2).

Please see this article on adding button to the combined mode. You will find more information on functionality realization:




Anastasia Botezat,

Very helpful information, thank you.

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Hi team

I need help in transferring my application package from Development to Test.

I am getting errors and the Application install from Zip file fails. The error relates to Data Binding.

This is my first application that I have configured and customised on bpm online studio. I see in configuration part, the system creates different data binding objects.

I created data bindings for my lookup contents and lookup objects.

What I need help with is to know: List of the objects I need to create data bindings for and what system carry's over as default.

For example:

The system properties, operation properties. Do I need to Data Bind the object and the property.

The Dashboards/Charts in custom sections etc

I have installed the Data Binding tool available on the bpm online market place


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Hi Can anyone provide a little help please . thank you...



In general, if an object you created or modified contains data in it data from this object must be binded to a package. For example if you created new lookup field data from this field must be transferred. This also includes new sections, details, system settings. This article can be useful for you: https://community.bpmonline.com/articles/detailed-description-system-tables-and-tips-their-data-binding. If you made any changes in section wizard, data from SysModuleEdit, SysSchemas and SysModuleEntity tables must be included as well. Usually error in the logs points what data is missing and it can be easily tracked and fixed. 

Best regards,


Thank you Angela. The article is very good and has provided me some answers regarding what should be included in data binding when deploying packages.

I am assuming I can remove all existing data bindings in Data tab and follow the article to add the data bindings again.

Are you able to provide clarification on the following:

I added some data bindings but there are quite a few I did not added (system added and I noticed it has some of the custom objects I created and then deleted from the package). If I delete all data bindings and then run compile all function would the required system data bindings will get added by system and I would only need to add the custom objects as per the document link you provided.

Thank you 



Waseem Ishaq,

I would not recommend deleting anything from there unless you understand what data will be deleted and how it will affect the package. As I already mentioned, investigate installation logs - they must have data about missing values. 

Best regards,


Angela Reyes,

Thank you Angela. The log points to SysAdminUnitInWorkplace object with 6 Errors. Please see one of the Error text below.

2019-04-25 04:43:06,999 Error occurred while installing data "WiSysWorkplaceAdminUnits_41b796040a924d7188a062308589a57b" in package "Jobs". UId 5d313e72-174e-4068-a8d5-2308aa4365be: The UPDATE statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FKmlE1TzlpVsXTth5hSlvtUUtQ". The conflict occurred in database "test-campbellcorporateservices", table "dbo.SysAdminUnit", column 'Id'.

The statement has been terminated.

UPDATE [dbo].[SysAdminUnitInWorkplace] WITH(ROWLOCK)


    [ModifiedOn] = CONVERT(DATETIME, '2019-04-25 04:43:06.983', 121),

    [ModifiedById] = '{410006E1-CA4E-4502-A9EC-E54D922D2C00}',

    [SysWorkplaceId] = '{79770671-CDE2-4C0F-9078-A4FF68703DEF}',

    [SysAdminUnitId] = '{CBD52603-2DD9-49E7-8F5B-9B7A5175558B}'


    [Id] = '{BB55A2E0-5747-4758-92EA-3FD87C561859}'

Waseem Ishaq,

From the error I can see that when the system tries to update 

SysAdminUnitInWorkplace it cannot do it because of some FK exception. To investigate why it happened search for all elements of the error message in the DB. It looks like that something from SysAdminUnit table is missing - it can be role or user.

Hi Angela

Thank you for your assistance I have successfully deployed the application to test.

My initial testing reveals I did not package Dashboards and Word Printables? Any suggestion..

How do I Bind Dashboards and Word Printables.

Thank tou Waseem Ishaq

Waseem Ishaq,

You can use 

https://marketplace.bpmonline.com/app/data-binding-tool application to bind data from daschoards and printables to you package. Just use "Bind data" button on the sections you want to bind. 

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I have an requirement to change city lookup whenever zip code is changed so is there any event that will do my work?


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If you have a ZIP code field or similar in City to filter it by, you can set up a business rule similar to this, with your field in place of Description:

If you require more complex logic, go to the edit page in the backend and add a dependency to the attributes section:

attributes: {
    "City": {
	dependencies: [
		columns: ["Zip"],
		methodName: "doSomething"

And include your logic in the doSomething method, which will be called every time Zip is changed.

Dear Agha,

Please check the example provided by Darian. For the simple business task it is recommended to use business rules. 

In case you need more complex logic, including if clause, or evaluation on Id, or any other logic, which cannot be implemented by business rules, please use attributes.

In order to add an attribute you need to go to Advanced settings --> create a new replacing module for your page --> add an attribute and save the schema --> clear browser cache. 

Please see articles on schema attributes:




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I have reported to BPM support under ticket ref: #SR-0797073 an issue I have found with using Outlook calendars that sync with BPM.

When marking within Outlook a meeting/event as Private, this is used to prevent users who have access to view (read) your calendar that you are busy, but does not show the subject or body content of that event as you have marked it not to be visible to anyone else.

However, when that event is sync'd to BPM and is shown in your calendar within the BPM calendar screen the full subject and message body is displayed. Therefore, BPM is not maintaining the secure status of that event and preventing other users seeing what you do not wish to share.

I am posting this on here, as so far all I am getting is that they will look into this and I consider this to be a serious security issue with sensitive information being displayed by BPM that should not be.

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Dear Mark,

I have forwarded your request to our business analysts. They will evaluate the possibility of implementation in future system releases. Thank you for your suggestion! 

Best regards,


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Hi Community,

What our client wants is every time the user logs in to the system the Side bar/ left panel is collapsed by default. How we can possibly do this?




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Dear Fulgen,

Please take a look at LeftPanelUtilitiesV2 module. There you can find such methods as initCollapsedState and getDefaultCollapsed. You can replace this module to override basic functionality, so to set collapsed state by default.



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