I have a button in a page , when I press that button , it performs a save and close operation.Also in this page I have a virtual detail, the problem is that when I press the button no data is saved in the page object when the page is in combinet Mode , if I refresh the page (no longer in combinet mode) and click the button the data is saved
- The code of the Approval Button is :
onApprovalButtonClicked: function(){
var self= this;
self.set("StStatus", {value: "BFBE5A54-08C6-4830-AE3F-09969C626C4B", displayValue:"Closed"});
if (self.tryShowNextPrcElCard()) {
var isLastProcessElement = self.get("IsProcessMode") && !self.get("NextPrcElReady");
if ((self.get("IsInChain") || self.get("IsSeparateMode")) || isLastProcessElement) {
if (!self.destroyed) {
self.sandbox.publish("CloseCard", null, [self.sandbox.id]);
- it gives me that error when the button is pressed:

Uncaught Terrasoft.UnsupportedTypeException: Message DetailValidated is not defined in CardModuleV2 (SectionModuleV2_StWorkOrder1Section_CardModuleV2) module