Hello. I am working with serveral new, out of the box, environments.
I have been looking into the Forecast funtions and learning about it. I have notice that no matter how I seem to change my Opportunities and sales, the Pipeline values are all 0, and are not updated when I run the Calculate function. The Closed/Actual values are working normally.
Since I have this issue on more than one environment, I thought there might be some central issue at the moment. Is anyone else having the same issue?
tl;dr Pipeline value not calulated by running the Calculate action on Forecast
Best regards,
Dear Julius,
Hope you are doing great today.
As for now, the section Forecast works without any issues. Since you face some problems with the section, we have to look through your system settings to identify the reason for them. Therefore, I'd like to suggest you to contact our support team by email support@bpmonline.com for further investigation in your particular environments.
Best regards,
Dear Julius,
Our support team will be glad to assist you.
Have a great day ahead.
Best regards,