Text Area field on Editable Detail Grid

Hi Community,


We have working editable detail grid, now we have added an "Unlimited length text field" into it. How we can configure this field to make it Multi line field in Editable Detail Grid just like its behavior in edit page.

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I remember reading a post or Academy page about it but I have not tried it yet, myself. I want to know how to do this as well. I think they said you can apply custom CSS. Maybe this link can get you in the right direction. Let me know if you succeed. 




In your detail schema please add this part of code to "attributes" of your schema:

"UsrStringField": {


                    "contentType": Terrasoft.ContentType.LONG_TEXT



where "UsrStringField" should be replaced with the name of your column in the object that represents your detail.


Once done you need to refresh the page and once you click on the record in your detail with an editable list you will see this https://prnt.sc/retlu3


But as for making this field to be displayed as multi-line text without clocking on the record - it is not possible.


Best regards,


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