Rich Text field in printable document

Hi all,


In our project we are producing with Creatio application some printable document (.pdf and .doc).


In these document we are inserting some Rich Text fields but in the document produced we are not able to visualize/report all the style changes done on the Rich Text field.


Do you have any suggestion?


Best Regards



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As of now, it's not possible to correctly display the field with HTML formatting in the printable.  

Our R&D team has already been informed and is currently working on the mentioned issue.

As a workaround suggestion, you can replace the rich text field with a simple text field. We understand that it’s missing the format settings and cannot be applied to tables, but it should work for a sentence or two simple comments.  


Thank you for being an active part of the community and helping to make Creatio better!

Hello Hanna,

Thank you very much for your response



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