How to remove record permission for old owner when owner gets changed in lead?

Hello community,

I have a use case where i need to grant access rights to new owner in Lead when the owner gets changed.I want to remove the access rights of the old owner.

By default, Creatio grants maximum access permissions to record author and the record owner.

I have tried to give access to the new owner and revoke the access permission to old owner using Change access right Business process element . Since the old owner is the record author ,that user can able to see ,edit,delete the record .I want to remove the access rights of the old owner. 

Can anyone help me on this ?

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If you remove all roles/users from default permissions (managed by records access rule settings), users who created the record and records owner will still be able to see/edit/delete the record. 


To change this behavior, there are several options: 

- open the record in the System Designer and set the rule for the author to grant himself the rights for "not reading" the record


- the database command to remote the specific rights in the sys[object]right table. You can check some details on the example of granting the rights and change the logic of the provided script:…

Here are some more details on how these system tables impact the record permissions:…

- design a business process with the "Change access" element to remove the rights from the record author


Hope this info helps you with the described case.

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