How deploy Exchange Listener on Kubernetes



I'm following the Kubernetes tutorial in the Academy to deploy the Exchange service:


I deployed Redis database and ExchangeListener package using Helm.

When I deployed the ExchangeListener package and forwarded the local port to the host I got "Connection Refused" and the service crashed.

Any help! 

PS C:\Windows\system32> helm install --set apiVersion=apps/v1 --set --name creatioexchangelistener "C:\Program Files\kubernetes\exchangelistener-0.5.0.tgz"
NAME:   creatioexchangelistener
LAST DEPLOYED: Wed Jun 17 22:23:52 2020
NAMESPACE: default
==> v1/ConfigMap
NAME                            DATA  AGE
creatioexchangelistener-worker  2     0s
==> v1/Pod(related)
NAME                           READY  STATUS             RESTARTS  AGE
creatioexchangelistener-api-0  0/1    ContainerCreating  0         0s
==> v1/Service
NAME                         TYPE       CLUSTER-IP    EXTERNAL-IP  PORT(S)  AGE
creatioexchangelistener-api  ClusterIP  <none>       80/TCP   0s
==> v1/StatefulSet
NAME                         READY  AGE
creatioexchangelistener-api  0/2    0s
==> v1beta1/Ingress
NAME                         CLASS   HOSTS           ADDRESS  PORTS  AGE
creatioexchangelistener-api  <none>  80       0s
1. Get the application URL by running these commands:
PS C:\Windows\system32> kubectl port-forward creatioexchangelistener-api-0  8089:80
Forwarding from -> 80
Forwarding from [::1]:8089 -> 80
Handling connection for 8089
Handling connection for 8089
E0617 22:25:06.332296    9584 portforward.go:400] an error occurred forwarding 8089 -> 80: error forwarding port 80 to pod ec2e3c86d81d27efeb0ff525ce5898f1ac78a2b7c1358837c3da569965831451, uid : exit status 1: 2020/06/17 20:25:06 socat[53947] E connect(5, AF=2, 16): Connection refused
E0617 22:25:06.332296    9584 portforward.go:400] an error occurred forwarding 8089 -> 80: error forwarding port 80 to pod ec2e3c86d81d27efeb0ff525ce5898f1ac78a2b7c1358837c3da569965831451, uid : exit status 1: 2020/06/17 20:25:06 socat[53948] E connect(5, AF=2, 16): Connection refused
Handling connection for 8089
E0617 22:25:06.360263    9584 portforward.go:400] an error occurred forwarding 8089 -> 80: error forwarding port 80 to pod ec2e3c86d81d27efeb0ff525ce5898f1ac78a2b7c1358837c3da569965831451, uid : exit status 1: 2020/06/17 20:25:06 socat[53949] E connect(5, AF=2, 16): Connection refused
Handling connection for 8089
Handling connection for 8089
E0617 22:25:06.459266    9584 portforward.go:400] an error occurred forwarding 8089 -> 80: error forwarding port 80 to pod ec2e3c86d81d27efeb0ff525ce5898f1ac78a2b7c1358837c3da569965831451, uid : exit status 1: 2020/06/17 20:25:06 socat[53950] E connect(5, AF=2, 16): Connection refused
E0617 22:25:06.464261    9584 portforward.go:400] an error occurred forwarding 8089 -> 80: error forwarding port 80 to pod ec2e3c86d81d27efeb0ff525ce5898f1ac78a2b7c1358837c3da569965831451, uid : exit status 1: 2020/06/17 20:25:06 socat[53951] E connect(5, AF=2, 16): Connection refused
Handling connection for 8089
E0617 22:25:06.475264    9584 portforward.go:400] an error occurred forwarding 8089 -> 80: error forwarding port 80 to pod ec2e3c86d81d27efeb0ff525ce5898f1ac78a2b7c1358837c3da569965831451, uid : exit status 1: 2020/06/17 20:25:06 socat[53952] E connect(5, AF=2, 16): Connection refused
Handling connection for 8089
Handling connection for 8089
E0617 22:25:11.511131    9584 portforward.go:400] an error occurred forwarding 8089 -> 80: error forwarding port 80 to pod ec2e3c86d81d27efeb0ff525ce5898f1ac78a2b7c1358837c3da569965831451, uid : exit status 1: 2020/06/17 20:25:11 socat[54236] E connect(5, AF=2, 16): Connection refused
E0617 22:25:11.513105    9584 portforward.go:400] an error occurred forwarding 8089 -> 80: error forwarding port 80 to pod ec2e3c86d81d27efeb0ff525ce5898f1ac78a2b7c1358837c3da569965831451, uid : exit status 1: 2020/06/17 20:25:11 socat[54237] E connect(5, AF=2, 16): Connection refused
Handling connection for 8089
E0617 22:25:11.527104    9584 portforward.go:400] an error occurred forwarding 8089 -> 80: error forwarding port 80 to pod ec2e3c86d81d27efeb0ff525ce5898f1ac78a2b7c1358837c3da569965831451, uid : exit status 1: 2020/06/17 20:25:11 socat[54238] E connect(5, AF=2, 16): Connection refused



Thank you


Like 0



Hello Mohamed,


Seems that your 8089 has no process that listens to this port so that's why you cannot forward the listener to this port. Try running this command:


netstat -abn | findstr "LISTENING" | findstr "your host IP-address" | findstr "8089"


and check if this command shows the result.


Then try running


kubectl -n default exec -it creatioexchangelistener curl -v host_IP_address:8089


and let's check the result then (we will need to run kubectl describe pods creatioexchangelistener)


Best regards,


Hi Oscar

Can you please provide me a YAML file to deploy the pod (Redis + Exchange Listener + Expose Service Address)?


Thank you


Mohamed Ouederni,

Hello Mohamed,


We don't have a separate YAML file for this proposes and Redis should be installed separately. All available .yaml files can be found in the exchangelistener-0.6.9.tgz file that is downloaded via this link…


Best regards,


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