devLabs 'Make Recurring' - missing activities issue

Very strange occurance with our instance.  activities that were created during a 'make recurring' process are not visible in Schedule view when logged in and attempting to look at their own activities.  When others set the owner in the Schedule view in the activity section to the activity owner, the activities are visible.  Has anyone else seen this with this Marketplace add-on?

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Hello Stephen,


Kindly note that the add-on was developed for and tested on Creatio desktop.


That said, please send us the following details:


1. Creatio desktop product and version.

2. Mobile app version and operating system.


This information will help us to reproduce the issue and get back to you with feedback.

Thank you:


our desktop is Sales Creatio, enterprise edition Version

Mobile OS and app version are Android and v7.18.5

Stephen J Fisher,

Hi Stephen!

Based on the symptoms, I recommend rechecking the ActivityParticipant Detail.

All out-of-the-box filters in the Activity section work with this detail because one activity can have several participants. Maybe there is a problem with the data in this detail.


We have also reviewed the add-on and tested it on our site. However, we were unable to reproduce the issue on our end.


Possible reasons for this:

1. Non-standard rights settings on ActivityParticipant Detail.

2. Customized Activity \ ActivityParticipant or Recurring Activities logic.

I recommend using the official version of the add-on.


Also, you may test your settings on a trial site to pinpoint the bottleneck.


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