Custom Search Filter in List page

Hello Community, 


I have a requirement to design a custom search filter in list page in Freedom UI, so that I have a text field and a button.

Now, on entering a number (Plate Number) in the field and on click of button, I wanted to filter only the records that contain the plate number. 

The filter works perfectly. But now when I navigate to any other section, I am seeing a popup message (Un save popup) as shown below.

To clear this error, I tried to save the number entered in the field and the issue is gone until I search for other number. 

Now I received a system error as shown below. 

How can I resolve this?


Any suggestions are really helpful.

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Good day,

Please try performing a full compilation of the environment.

It is also worth noting that the issue is atypical and requires further investigation from the support team. If the problem is not resolved, please contact our support service:


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