Hello Community,
The scenario is very simple.
We are in the Account form page. The account form page has three lookup fields (Type, Category, Primary Contact) We want to filter the Primary Contact based on the (Type and Category). How can this be achieved in freedomUI. Any code example?
If the lookup is a dropdown lookup (not opening the selection window) this approach can be used to filter it via code: https://customerfx.com/article/dynamically-filtering-a-lookup-on-a-creatio-freedom-ui-page/
For filtering a lookup as a selection window, use the approach here (see response from Harvey): https://community.creatio.com/questions/crtloaddatarequest-does-not-seem-trigger
Note, since that post, the "crt.OpenLookupPageRequest" request has been replaced by the new request "crt.OpenSelectionWindowRequest", so use this new request name instead of what is listed in that post)