
Reset to parent package settings

Hi community,


I developped package A and package B.

The package B depends on package A.

In the package A I configured a translation for the field TableA.column1.

In the package B I replaced the translation for the field TableA.column1.

Is it possible to restore the default translation set up in package A?



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If you have these translations in package A, yes, you can delete the replaced data from package B and the translations from package A will be displayed.

Kalymbet Anastasia,

Thank you Anastasia.

Do you suggest removing the  replacing "client module" from package B?

If so, I would lose my customizations such as fields added



All translations are stored in the Translation section. If I understood you correctly, they have recently been changed.

If they were simply changed and are not stored in package A, you won't be able to restore them.


In the section, these translations are the same for all packages.[translation]-section

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