Hiding Internal Business Process Parameters

Hello Community,


    I have created Business Process 1 with three parameters:

  1.  One parameter with the data type 'Unique identifier' to take input.
  2.  Two parameters with the data type 'Text' for internal use, as shown in the image below.

          When calling Business Process 1 as a sub-process from Business Process 2, I want to hide Internal Parameter 1 and Parameter 2. (Below Image shows Business Process 2)

Is it possible to hide these internal parameters, or is there any other solution to keep them from being visible?



Ajay K


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At this moment, we do not have such functionality. We will pass this recommendation on to our RnD team. 

Yes, it would be useful to have "internal only" type parameters, as plenty of the ones used in creating BPs are exactly that. Currently what I do is set them to output params rather than in/out params, so that they don't appear as params to be populated when used elsewhere.


Along with internal only params, it would be nice to have required params for BPs too, which would go to an error state in the logs if left unpopulated.

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