Setting Default folder Filter in Product Catalogue Page

Hi Creatio community,


I'm trying to set default folder filter for product selection page in order product detail. Whenever the user login, a default folder should be selected and those products should be visible.


I'm able to achieve this task in Product section page where I'm updating the 'SysProfileData' object based on the key (ProductSectionV2GridDataViewFilters) .


But in the  Product Catalogue page shown below, SysProfileData object is not updating while switching from one folder to other also there is no Key for it to update.




Any idea on how to set default folder filter for the Product selection page would be appreciated.




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Unfortunately, we are unable to see the pictures you have attached.

Could you kindly re-post them in the comment section? 

Mykhailo Zeleniuk,

Please find the images below.

In "Product Catalogue" the folder filter is not working.

Product section default folder filter is working.

How to set a folder filter default in Product Catalogue (Order section - Product detail).


Bhoobalan Palanivelu.

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