Pivot table / Freedom UI



We start using Creatio une v7.18 but we are now one the v8.0.1.

We are using few pivot table on our dashboard. We'd liked to rebuild them on the new UI, but ... I can't find a way to do a pivot.

Is it still possible to make a pivot in the new Freedom UI app ?

If not, is it planned in the future ? (when ?)


Thanks ! :)

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Unfortunately, the current version of Creatio does not have the pivot table functionality in the new UI yet.

There is already a request for our developers to bring this functionality in future releases but we are not sure when this feature will become available.


Thank you,


Justin Murphy,



Unfortunately, there is no ETA for this feature at the moment.


Best regards,


Yuliya Gritsenko,

And do you have ETA now?

Vladimir Sokolov,



Unfortunately, it is still under review with the R&D team, we can't tell you the exact date, but the development team will consider this request to make it in the future.

Do we Have Pivot Tables now

Any news on Pivot tables in Freedom?

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