User is not able to edit a dashboard even though the access. Is provided to edit by the supervisor
Hi Team,
- Supervisor provides access. To a user to read and edit already exiting dashboard tab
- But as soon as the user logs in, he is able to view the dashboard but has no option to edit it as the edit button is disabled?
Question : is there a way for the user to edit the dashboard post the access is provided to edit it ?
Hello Amritha,
Such situation can occur if this user does not have access to dashboards editing. To grant him access, double-check the operation permissions for Analytics setup and Dashboard object permissions (both operation & record) as well. It should resolve the issue.
Best regards,
Thanks Anastasiia,
But, we don't want to give the complete Dashboard access to the a user/role. If we do add the user/role in operation permissions for Analytics setup and Dashboard object permissions (both operation & record). By default the user/role will have access to all the tabs present in the Dashboard.
We want to restrict a user/role to a certain tab only not to add and then remove access from the remaining tab
Or create a new Dashboard based on the roles/users.
Is there a way in general Dashboard, i create a tab/use the old tab as shown in the above screenshot and give access to a user and when the user logs in can view/edit only that tab not the rest of the tabs?
Amritha Mayan Gorky,
By a default the Dashboard object permissions are set as on the attached screenshot:
So this way All employees can edit all the dashboards and it will be enough to "Set up the access rights" for a specific dashboard to prevent All employees from editing this dashboard or grand Edit permission for a specific user.
However, in case the operation permissions will be removed (not granted for a specific user/role) the user will not be able to Edit the dashboard even if he is added to "Set us access rights" of a specific dashboard.
I would advise you to set the Dashboard object permissions as mentioned and in case you need to restrict access to the dashboard for a specific role/user simply configure the "Set up the access rights" for a specific dashboard.
Best regards,