Making Case Description (Symptom Field) Rich Text

Following this post  I was able to set most fields i needed to rich text however no matter what I try the case description field will not change to rich text. Any ideas on what to try to make it rich text?

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Hi Michael,

I've found that if your element in the diff is a merge, changing the contentType doesn't always work. Since the case description is a field that already exists on the case page, I assume it's in the diff with "operation": "merge". Try this instead, delete the description field from the page, then re-add it again. Now, it will show as an insert in the diff. Add your

"contentType": Terrasoft.ContentType.RICH_TEXT

and it should now work.


Hi Michael,

I've found that if your element in the diff is a merge, changing the contentType doesn't always work. Since the case description is a field that already exists on the case page, I assume it's in the diff with "operation": "merge". Try this instead, delete the description field from the page, then re-add it again. Now, it will show as an insert in the diff. Add your

"contentType": Terrasoft.ContentType.RICH_TEXT

and it should now work.


Ryan Farley,

Your solution worked, Thanks

Ryan Farley,

Thanks Ryan, I have the same problem. In the merge element to this field, I modify my DIFF block to the Symptom column, but nothing happens in the app, it continue receiving data as clear text, not Rich Text

The whole block I have for this field in my DIFF is:
{ // JFALCON, enable Rich Text?
	"operation": "merge",
	"name": "Symptoms",
	"contentType": this.Terrasoft.ContentType.RICH_TEXT,
	"controlConfig": {
		"imageLoaded": {
			"bindTo": "insertImagesToNotes"
		"images": {
			"bindTo": "NotesImagesCollection"
	"values": {
		"layout": {
			"colSpan": 24,
			"rowSpan": 3,
			"column": 0,
			"row": 1
		"enabled": true,
		"labelConfig": {
			"visible": true
},	 // FIN	

What could be wrong?

Hello Julio,

Changing the content type for a merge in the diff never seems to work for me. The only way I can get this to work for existing fields such as Symptoms is to remove the out of the box field from the page, then re-add it again. This way, it's no longer a merge and instead an insert (which does work).


Ryan Farley,

Thanks Ryan, it didn't works to me :-(, so I open a Ticket with Creatio support, they are testing, you can see what I'm getting now here, they change the DIFF code I had by this one, but not results

				"operation": "insert",
				"name": "Symptoms14a57ab4-4b0f-42ff-a61a-467308dff56d",
				"values": {
					"layout": {
						"colSpan": 24,
						"rowSpan": 3,
						"column": 0,
						"row": 1,
						"layoutName": "CaseInformation_gridLayout"
					"bindTo": "Symptoms",
					"enabled": true,
					"tip": {
						"content": {
							"bindTo": "Resources.Strings.Symptoms14a57ab44b0f42ffa61a467308dff56dTip"
				"parentName": "CaseInformation_gridLayout",
				"propertyName": "items",
				"index": 1

They delete your suggestions, fragment

	"contentType": this.Terrasoft.ContentType.RICH_TEXT,
	"controlConfig": {
		"imageLoaded": {
			"bindTo": "insertImagesToNotes"
		"images": {
			"bindTo": "NotesImagesCollection"

Also I have a rowSpan = 3, and I had just oine line...

I didn't understand what's wrong, as soon I had Creatio Support news I share them here to contribute

Thanks in advance

Best regards



If you add this back in, make sure it is in the values part. It should look like this: 


Note, I removed the tip since I don't know if that is supported for rich text fields.

I have an article on this topic here that might help:…


Thanks Ryan, I already see the code must be inside Values... I corrected and works

Ryan Farley,

Thanks, Ryan another question regarding this.

In the case registration where I'm implementing the rich text to Case Description, it just works when I register a case manually, and paste a rich text to Case description.

But when I receive an email to open a case, the email body is not stored in Rich text, at least with the implemented configuration.

What else need to configure to enable email body store in rich text in Case Description?

Thanks in advance

Best regards

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