Adding new relationship to "Connected to" between accounts

How do I add additional relationships to my Connected to options between accounts? I have gotten to the page- but I don't see how to add an additional relationship.

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Dear Heather,


To add a custom object to the connected to of the Account you would need to add corresponding record to the EntityConnection table in db with  SysEntitySchemaUid is a Uid of the Account and ColumnUId is a column uid that can be found in the SysEntitySchemaReference table. For implementing this please analyze the EntityConnection table and SysEntitySchemaReference  to have an understanding of which record you need to add. For example you can execute the following script: 

select SysSchema.Name, ColumnName, EntityConnection.* from EntityConnection inner join SysSchema on SysEntitySchemaUid = SysSchema.UId inner join SysEntitySchemaReference on EntityConnection.ColumnUId = SysEntitySchemaReference.ColumnUId

Best regards, 


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