Greetings Community,


     Could someone provide me with references for Script Task queries related to CRUD operations on Creatio objects?


      Are there any examples or references available for sample scripts and C# functions regarding the Script Task element suitable for beginners?

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As the first step, we recommend you to check our Academy article on Script Task process element that includes both instructions and examples of working with it. You can also use Academy and Community for searching examples of implementation of some more specific requests using the key words.…

Hello Mira,


Thank you for your reply. I have reviewed the Academy article on the Script Task Process element. Also, executed on Creatio platform.


I am now interested in learning more about what we can accomplish with the Script Task element. Is there any additional information or examples available for Script element? 




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Hello community,

I'm interested in utilizing the Script element within Creatio. Where can I find reference materials or code samples for C#?


Additionally, is there a platform available to compile C# code snippets before directly uploading them to the Creatio Platform (in the Script Task Element)?

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All available examples of using the code in the script task element can be found here. As for checking the C# code - there is no such platform for business processes script tasks. You can create a code in Visual Studio and check if it works. Then, using the provided article, implement the same functionality in the business process script task.

Is it also possible to create your Standard source code and call those from a script task?  Similar to Process to calculate actual working time in projects on schedule?  

Oleg Drobina,

Thanks for your response. Is it feasible to import Terrasoft packages into Visual Studio? If yes, could you provide the steps to do so ?

keith schmitt,


as in OOP you can create an instance of a class and use its methods in the logic of a business process. Use Terrasoft.Configuration in the business process (add it to the process usings in the process settings) and create an instance of your class as SomeClass nameOfTheInstance = new SomeClass().



You can enable development in the file system as described here and there won't be a need to manually import packages in the Visual Studio. You will be able to review the code and apply changes to it.

Oleg Drobina,

Is there any video reference available?



I'm afraid we don't have it, but I will ask our Academy team if they can create such a video tutorial. Thank you for this suggestion!

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Is it possible to set the value of a System setting which has the "Save value for current user" setting enabled for a specified user from C# code, e.g. from a script task? I've found the below code for setting a System setting, but presume that if the checkbox for the above is selected, then it will only set the value for the current user (or the System User if running in the system context):

var settingCode = Get<string>("UsrSystemSettingCode");
var value = Get<string>("UsrSettingValue");
Terrasoft.Core.Configuration.SysSettings.SetValue(UserConnection, settingCode, value);
return true;


We need to be able to set the per-user system setting for a specific user (determined by data in the BP in our case) but looking at the (always hard to find) API documentation, it doesn't seem like there's an overloaded version of SetValue that allows you to do so as a specified user - except possibly one that is marked as being deprecated in a much older version:


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Anybody have any info on this?

Does anyone have any other methods for managing per-user system settings in Creatio? It seems like there aren't a lot of options besides setting them in JS code when a user does a given action, but then that feels like it defeats some of the purpose of system settings being that the value doesn't have to be calculated every time a user does something, and also means it can't reliably be used for tasks like setting a default field value on an entity.

Contemplating using this methodology for running code when a user logs in to set it, hopefully it will work. Would be nice to have some clean way of doing it though, especially since we don't really need to be calculating it every time a user logs in but just when certain data changes:…

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I'm trying to pass the result of below "json" (in script task),

var schema = UserConnection.EntitySchemaManager.GetInstanceByName("Account");

    var entity = schema.CreateEntity(UserConnection);


    json = Terrasoft.Core.Entities.Entity.SerializeToJson(entity);


to a process parameter and that process parameter needs to be passed to web service element as an request object. Since, the structure of "json" variable might vary, how to send this to a process parameter and eventually to web service element?


Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.

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public bool FetchFromDB(object keyValue, bool useDisplayValues = true)

All the `FetchFromDB` methods return a bool, you could test the call.


Should work.


I've had a great deal of trouble with JSON in Creatio in the past.   What's the error you're getting?

Hi Gareth,

Thanks for your reply.

Is there a sample as how this can be sent to webservice element? Use case is to handle this as an object while sending it to webservice element and not as a string. For example, the request at the web service element should look like below.


"objectName" : "Contact",

"Payload" : { "Name" : "Halludeen", "Age" : 24 }


But, if I pass it as a string then it looks like,


"requestJson" : "{\r\n \"ObjectName\": \"Contact\", \r\n \"Payload\": { \"Name\" : \"Halludeen\"}"



Let me know if you have any suggestions for this.


Thanks again.





The only JSON library I have been able to get to work in Creatio is 

`System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer`.  You have to call it with the full namespace rather than add the namespace in a `using` statement, see here.


You could use the `Serialize<TValue>(TValue, JsonSerializerOptions)` method.  The technique is essentially the reverse of the example linked to above, create an object for the deserialised JSON in a module (see example), add the namespace to your process, create an object with the data you want to serialise, and serialise it using the above method into a string.  Hopefully that will work!

Gareth Osler,

Having said the above, I wrote in June,

By way of an epilogue, while the `System.Text.Json` namespace is available in a trial, for some reason it was not available in the dev environment I was using.  However classes in the `Terrasoft.Common.Json` namespace were available.  I was able to use the `Deserialize<T>(String)` method of the Json class.  (Note at the time of writing the `DeserializeDictionary(String)` method has a bug in it and cannot be used.)

You may have to use the above class to do the same.

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I have this array that gives me the prefixes of phone numbers. I need to use it in a Process in Script Task.

I don't really like that I have to add all the values in the array manually. Is there an option to get the values from a lookup and to add them in an array?


I would like to just create a lookup for all the prefixes instead of adding them one by one in the array.


Thank you!

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In the business process you can read collection of records using examples provided here, add the result to some parameter and then process this parameter. Otherwise you can read values using standard "Read data" element in a cycle (which is not a good approach) and each read value can be also added to the array. 

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I wanted to add a pop-up through a script task and i used this:



return true;


The problem is that it says that it doesn't recognize showInformationDialogue. I tried to add Terrasoft libraries, but it says that I can't use "using Terrasoft..." in a script task.


Does anybody have any idea how I can add a pop-up?


Thank you!

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Best reply

The only way this can happen is to send a message to the UI/browser from the script task. On the page or somewhere in the UI you need to listen for that message. Then, when received, display the popup message. 

I have an article here about how to send the message from the backend process/script task to the client:…

And an article about displaying popup messages from client-side code here:…


The only way this can happen is to send a message to the UI/browser from the script task. On the page or somewhere in the UI you need to listen for that message. Then, when received, display the popup message. 

I have an article here about how to send the message from the backend process/script task to the client:…

And an article about displaying popup messages from client-side code here:…


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I found this article where you can add a 'Refresh page' through a script task in a process. It uses this: "Terrasoft.Configuration.MsgChannelUtilities.PostMessageToAll("FXRefreshContactPage", "");"

How to Refresh a Page from a Process in Creatio (formerly bpm’online) | Customer FX


Is there a way to do the same for adding a po-up?

I tried with "this.showInformation()" but it doesn't work.


Also, I tried the Add-on from the Marketplace but it doesn't work.


Thank You!

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You need to add the client-side handler method for the received message from the server (using ClientMessageBridge described here) and in this method handler (like onNewUserSet in the example) call the showInformation method and display the popup.

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I'd liket to create a script task in a business process, that given an email template, it executes it on a specific context. I mean, if the email template is based on a custom macro related with the Lead entity, I can pass the LeadID and the emailTemplateId to the script task, and the result is the text of the email template executed for that specific lead. 

Is there way to do that?



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Hi Ignacio,


You can pass LeadId and the TemplateId as process parameters (create two Guid parameters in the process settings). Then you can use the "Read data" element and read specific columns of the lead record (use the LeadId parameter in the "Read data" filtration to get the value for needed columns). Then you can create additional text parameters and pass the read column values to them (using formulas for example). The same approach is for the "Email template" object and TemplateId parameter (you need to get the template body, so you need to read it in the "Read data" process element). And finally you can use string interpolation (or String.Replace method) in the script task to replace macroses (macorses, not their values, like [#UsrSomeColumn#], it's passed in the template body) with the actual values read from the "Lead" object using the "Read data" element (the ones that we wrote to the process parameters). To get process parameters values in the script task you need to use Get<string>("ParameterCode") (see more examples here) construction in the script task, then you can use String.Replace in the following manner:

string UsrStringParameterValueToUse = Get&lt;string&gt;("UsrStringParameterValue");
string EmailTemplateBody = Get&lt;string&gt;("UsrEmailTemplateBodyParamter");
EmailTemplateBody= EmailTemplateBody.Replace("[#UsrSomeColumn#]", UsrStringParameterValueToUse);

And then you can return EmailTemplateBody to some another string parameter value using Set<string> command and as a result you will get the result needed.

Thank you for your response Oleg!


Right, that would be the "manual" approach. I was hoping I could reuse the same service that is being used when creating an email from a template. For example, I can use a ReportService to generate a printable inside a business process. I was hoping that we have in Creatio something like "EmailService" that processes an email template and returns the generated text.

Pavel Shkomov,


You need to use the script-task to send the email from the code directly. Please see this Academy article that describes how to form and send the email from the code (this article also have examples of implementations, please use the "Examples" tab at the top of the article).

Ignacio Alvarez,


there is another approach:

var macrosHelperClassFactory = ClassFactory.Get&lt;MacrosHelperV2&gt;(new ConstructorArgument("userConnection", UserConnection));
string emailTemplateCode = Get&lt;string&gt;("ResultEmailTemplatePlain");
string templateEntityName = Get&lt;string&gt;("ContactEntityName");
Guid templateEntityId = Get&lt;Guid&gt;("ContactRecordId");
var replacementResult = macrosHelperClassFactory.GetTextTemplate(emailTemplateCode, templateEntityName, templateEntityId);
Set&lt;string&gt;("ResultEmailTemplateHTML", replacementResult);
return true;

There should be also the following parameter values:

1) the code is ContactEntityName - Text (50 characters) data type ("Contact" value by default) - represents the object from which data for macros is selected

2) the code is ContactRecordId - Unique identifier data type - represents the record Id to get data for macroses

3) the code is ResultEmailTemplateHTML - Unlimited length text data type - contains the template with filled macroses

4) the code is ResultEmailTemplatePlain - Unlimited length text data type - contains the template without filled macroses


Also you need to add the following namespaces to the process usings:




You need to use the "Read data" process element and read specific email template (the object is "Message template") and you need only the "Body" column value. Then the read body of the template should be passed to the "ResultEmailTemplatePlain" parameter using the "Formula" process element.


As a result of the script-task process element you will get the formed email template body with filled macroses in the ResultEmailTemplateHTML parameter that can be then displayed for example using the autogenerated page.

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I want to use function that are not included in System library/package.

I need to add the following in order to use the functions.

using System.Linq;

I tried adding this to the script but got an error message: " Feature 'using declarations' is not available in C# 7.3. Please use language version 8.0 or greater."

Is there a way to add the 'System.Linq' somewhere?




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Hi Chani,


This error means that either the .Net Framework version in your server where the app is hosted is not 4.7.2 and higher or .Net Core version is not 3.1.301 and higher. Also you need to double-check that all the required components were enabled in the IIS settings.


Best regards,


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In the previous versions of Creatio, In the User Task element there was the Script where you could implement the task logic, as shown in the image below

In which part of the User Task Source code , in the 7.18 Version of Creatio, should I implement the same logic ? 


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Hello Petrika,


Thank you for your question!


You can read more on this here:…


Kind regards,


Anastasiia Lazurenko,

Thank you Anastasia for your quick reply. But this is a different approach. I am not asking about the Script Task, but about the User Task.Because i want to use my logic in different bussiness processes.

Dear Petrika,


This logic is still the same. Please refer to the screenshots below:



Kind regards,


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