Hi Community!


We use LDAP with SSO as authentication in our customer's onprem installation.

So the users are used to log in using their Windows username and password and don't have a separate creatio login.

However, the creatio app doesn't support this login method, which is understandable, since there is now windows user context on the phone.


I was wondering how others are dealing with this problem. Is it even possible to use LDAP and creatio authentication side-by-side, because it seems to be either or?



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Dear Robert, 

Yes, it's possible to enter the mobile application in case if you have SSO configured on your website and it is set as a default login method. 

In order to enable SSO in mobile application you need to enable the system setting with code "MobileUseSSO"

Kind regards,


Roman Brown,


we have enabled the option and the "login as domain user" link appears in the App!


However, we get the following error message when trying to log in with the domain users:



Is there something special to set up on IIS maybe, besides the Windows Authentication?


Thanks and best regards,


Dear Robert, 

Can you please register a case for our support team so we could check the LDAP configuration? Cause there can be several reasons for such error message. 

Kind regards,


Roman Brown,

Hi Roman,


it's an on-prem installation, so that will not work really...

LDAP is working in the browser, so I guess it is set up correctly.


Any hints?




Dear Robert, 

The option to login as a domain user is option available as part of NTLM authentication which isn't available in mobile app. 

For application you can use standard, SSO or LDAP authentication. 

Thank you. 

Roman Brown,

Dear Roman,

how can we use LDAP users with NTLM authentication on mobile?

Because as I have written in my original post, there is no option to set a password when selecting the LDAP option.


What is the system setting "MobileUseSSO" is exactly expected to do?




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My customer doesn't want to use the communication options, because he just wants to have only one phone number, one mail-address etc.

I created new text fields, respectively we use the standard phone fields on the account entity. I placed this fields in a new field group called "Communication options".

One the normal "web client" we have no problem. With a little bit of configuration in the AccountPageV2 we have some clickable fields on the page.

But I have no idea how to configure this for the mobile client. 

Has anyone implemented something like this before?

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Hi Christian,

I assume what you're referring to is making the phone field a clickable field to dial the number in mobile, is this right? 

To do this, you need to first create a module for the account model pages extensions. See https://customerfx.com/article/creating-modules-for-the-creatio-mobile-…

Once that is created, you can add the following to the new module to make the phone field a clickable phone field (in the code below, this is for a field named "Phone" on the Account page. If your phone field is named something else like "UsrOtherPhone", you'd replace the "Phone" in the top line with that instead):

Terrasoft.sdk.RecordPage.configureColumn("Account", "primaryColumnSet", "Phone", {
	viewType: Terrasoft.ViewTypes.Phone

Also, this code above also assumes the phone field is in the primary column set. This is the name of the main column group of a page, however it’s possible to create other column groups. If you’ve created another column set that you've added the field to, locate the record page for the Account page that was created by the mobile wizard in the configuration. The record page will be named [Prefix + “Mobile” + EntityName + “RecordPageSettings” + WorkplaceName]. Then you can open that and see the actual name of your column set and replace "primaryColumnSet" in the code above with this name.


Hi Christian,

I assume what you're referring to is making the phone field a clickable field to dial the number in mobile, is this right? 

To do this, you need to first create a module for the account model pages extensions. See https://customerfx.com/article/creating-modules-for-the-creatio-mobile-…

Once that is created, you can add the following to the new module to make the phone field a clickable phone field (in the code below, this is for a field named "Phone" on the Account page. If your phone field is named something else like "UsrOtherPhone", you'd replace the "Phone" in the top line with that instead):

Terrasoft.sdk.RecordPage.configureColumn("Account", "primaryColumnSet", "Phone", {
	viewType: Terrasoft.ViewTypes.Phone

Also, this code above also assumes the phone field is in the primary column set. This is the name of the main column group of a page, however it’s possible to create other column groups. If you’ve created another column set that you've added the field to, locate the record page for the Account page that was created by the mobile wizard in the configuration. The record page will be named [Prefix + “Mobile” + EntityName + “RecordPageSettings” + WorkplaceName]. Then you can open that and see the actual name of your column set and replace "primaryColumnSet" in the code above with this name.


Hello. thanks for your detailed reply. At the moment I'm on vacation. I will try it as soon as possible. Best regards Chris

Ryan Farley,

I tried your solution and it works perfect.

Many thanks for your help

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Hello Team!

I'm wondering if there is possible create a virtual column in mobile, like we are doing in the web version with attributes. There is any way to replicate that?




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Hello Federico,


Hope you're doing well.


At the moment, the mobile application doesn't support interaction with virtual columns. We have created a request to the R&D team so they could review the possibility of further implementation of this functionality in the future versions of the mobile application. 


Thank you for helping us to provide better services!


Best regards,


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Hi Creatio Team,


I followed all the relevant steps shown in the documentation of Creatio Mobile App setup and have got and stored the files necessary for debugging the mobile application in my system and also have made the necessary changes in the .bat file present in it to launch google chrome portable 79 which has its folder stored in D drive.


But , When I run start_webkit_emulator.bat  file to launch the Google Chrome with the settings page of Mobile Creatio application, Once I log in to the instance It shows server error as follows:


Please Help me resolve this issue as soon as possible. 


Thanks in advance


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Dear Sarika,


Thank you for your question!


This error is not related to the Google Chrome Portable issues, but rather to the website you are trying to connect.


You may find more information on this error if you would press F12 in the browser`s console.


Have you installed the Pharma (Field Force) Marketplace extension lately?

If so, we would recommend deleting it and the navigating to this link and downloading a fresh new version of Pharma that has all the fixes applied to it (as we have has cases when the Mobile Application website has not been accessible because of some errors in Pharma`s schemas):




If the error persists, we recommend contacting us at support@creatio.com 


Hope this clarifies!

Thank you!






Danyil Onoprienko,


I tried to login multiple times with my localhost creatio instance that has its username and password both as 'Supervisor' which is very general. Also I have checked the same instance on Other Chrome versions also.Therefore, there is nothing wrong with the username, password or the site which I'm trying to work on.


Also, I tried using demo login also which is there on the login page of mobile creatio tab in google chrome portable 79 but it shows the same server error problem. 


The error in the console window is as below:


Please provide me a solution for this asap.


Sarika Sharma,


Thank you for letting us know!


In this case, please try:

1. Using your IP address rather than "localhost";

2. Transferring your website to HTTPS: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/user/setup_and_administration/on-site_…

3. Check the "Session state" in your IIS; 

4. Check the cookies mode - make sure that it is set up to [Use cookies] and that the [auto] mode is turned off


Hope this helps!






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Hi Team,

I have a scenario where I have developed a custom function in ContactPageV2 web application and trigger it in OnEntityInitialized().

How could I apply the same to the mobile application development setup?

A scenario in Web Application:


OnEntityInitialized : function(){





customFunction : function(){

//My Custom Logic


How could I achieve the same in Mobile development?

Also, How to trigger a Business Process in Mobile development (both by Button click or auto-trigger)

Kindly guide me on the same!


Bhoobalan P.

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Hi Bhoobalan,


The only analog of onEntityInitialized is onLoadRecord method of the base record page controller. So you need to study its implementation in the mobile app to use the same logic on the contact page of the mobile app.


As for calling business processes from buttons in the mobile app - it's not possible because of the business process call core mechanism. But processes that should start by the signal will be triggered successfully when specified conditions to start a process by the signal are met in the mobile app.


Best regards,


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Hi Team,


I want to know how we can use the functionality of open- edit pages, pre - configured pages and dialog box in Creatio mobile application.


Can you please help me out in figuring this out?


Thanks in advance

Sarika Sharma

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Hello Sarika, 


Unfortunately, the pre-configured pages and the dialog boxes (modal windows) are not presented in the default configuration of the mobile application yet. 


Detailed information about the mobile application interface (as well as information on how the edit data option works there) can be found in the Get started with the mobile app UI Academy article. 


Best regards, 


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I have a scenario to show a pop up message based on user action (something similar like the screenshot) in the edit page of a section in mobile application.


Any ideas / suggestions would be great.





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There is no option to add similar custom notifications. But as the workaround it is possible to setup push notifications for mobile app. Here is the Academy article that has step by step description regarding this task https://academy.creatio.com/documents/technic-bpms/7-13/how-set-push-no…






There is no option to add similar custom notifications. But as the workaround it is possible to setup push notifications for mobile app. Here is the Academy article that has step by step description regarding this task https://academy.creatio.com/documents/technic-bpms/7-13/how-set-push-no…




dean parrett,


Thanks a lot, Works like a charm.

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Hi Community,


We've this situation where we need to execute a query to the database when we press the button that we created following this article https://academy.creatio.com/docs/developer/mobile_development/mobile_ap….


So far we manage to create the button itself and retrieve the record id when this button is pressed.

Ext.define("Terrasoft.controls.CustomRecordPanelItem", {
    extend: "Terrasoft.RecordPanelItem",
  	requires: ["Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery"],
    xtype: "cftestrecordpanelitem",
    config: {
        items: [
                xtype: "container",
                layout: "hbox",
                items: [
                        xtype: "button",
                      	cls: 'btn',
                        id: "clickMeButton",
                      	text: '<div style="color: white">TERMINAR</div>',
                        flex: 5,
    initialize: function() {
        var clickMeButton = Ext.getCmp("clickMeButton");
        clickMeButton.element.on("tap", this.onClickMeButtonClick, this);
    onClickMeButtonClick: function() {
        var record = this.getRecord();
      	var servicoId= record.data.imdServico.data.Id;
      	var activitycategoryId = '82e0f151-a00a-46c5-8916-b87992266de6';
      	var esq = this.Ext.create("Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery", {
            rootSchemaName: "Activity"
      	esq.addColumn("imdServicos.Id", "ServicoId");
      	esq.addColumn("ActivityCategory.Id", "TipoCheckListId");
      	var esqFirstFilter = esq.createColumnFilterWithParameter(Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL, "imdServicos.Id", servicoId);
      	var esqSecondFilter = esq.createColumnFilterWithParameter(Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL, "ActivityCategory.Id", activitycategoryId);
      	esq.filters.logicalOperation = Terrasoft.LogicalOperatorType.AND;
      	esq.filters.add("esqFirstFilter", esqFirstFilter);
		esq.filters.add("esqSecondFilter", esqSecondFilter);
        esq.getEntityCollection(function (result) {
            if (result.success) {
                /*result.collection.each(function (item) {
  		}, this);

We are having problems trying to execute the Ext.create("Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery") because we think that some dependencies are missing.


Any idea on how to solve this problem?


Thanks in Advance.


Best Regards,

Pedro Pinheiro

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Hi Pedro,


Can you send the debug result using the mobile application emulator? What is the error?


Best regards,


Hi Oscar Dylan,


Thank you for your response. The following image shows the error that we are getting when pressing the button.



var esq = this.Ext.create("Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery", {
            rootSchemaName: "Activity"

We think that the error might be related to the lack of dependencies.


Best Regards,

Pedro Pinheiro

Hello Pedro. Did you manage to get the result of the queries?

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Hi Community,

In mobile application I have a button "Terminar" that when I press it I want run a process from my process library in Creatio.

To implement this button I created the following component and a function "onClickMeButtonClick", that is responsable for executing the process after pressing the button. To execute the process I used "Terrasoft.configuration.ProcessModuleUtilities", but I'm not sure if this is the best way to implement this example.

Any idea on how to develop this logic?


Thanks an advance.


Best Regards,

Daniel Longo

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Hello Daniel,


The mobile application UI doesn't support working with business processes and processes are only triggered on the server side in real-time once the record is modified in the mobile application or record is added (and correspondent start signals are present in some process).


Our core R&D team already has a task to make it possible to work with business processes from the UI directly and I will also let them know about your post so to prioritize the task for them.


Thank you for helping us in making the app better!


Best regards,


Thank You Oscar.

I think it is a important feature for the application, so that the actions of the buttons can be dynamic and don't just give it "Message Alerts".


Best Regards,

Daniel Longo

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Hi Community?

I want to hide some column filters, like I show in image below, since I have many columns in this object.

Does anyone know if there's any way to hide it? I'm not finding any documentation about it.

Thanks in Advance.


Best Regards, 

Daniel Longo

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Hello Daniel,


This is a core application logic and it's not possible to hide these columns. However you can use the "Search for filter column" option that was developed to find the needed filter column fast.


Best regards,


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