Compilation stuck



Anyone experienced that with update to .netcore 7.0 (comes with VS 2022), Creatio "compile" button doesnt work. .nethost goes to 100% cpu and continues working for hours (i kicked it after 6 hrs)


If you uninstall VS and SDK and keep only 2.2 (comes with VS 2019) - it compiles well.


Any ideas?

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You need to move(if you don't have please create it) the 'global.json' file to the root of the disk and then restart the pool. In the 'global.json' file, replace the version '3.1.0' with '6.0.413'.

Then, move the 'global.json' file from 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot\website' to 'C:', restart the pool, and initiate the compilation. After doing this, the issue should be resolved.

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